Chwe Hansol (Vernon) (Seventeen) imagine 2

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Requested by eternalnamjoon

"Eyy dude thats gonna be so sick trust me. Y/n is going to say yes for sure." minghao went over to his friend vernon, who currently was working on his masterpiece. He was looking critical at the freshly baken pizza infront of him with the big writing 'PROM?' out of peperonis. "you think so? I dont know honestly... Isnt that a bit cheesy? I shouldnt have listened to Mingyu...ahh hyung what should i do?" The stressed half korean boy muttered worried.

Minghao shook his head smiling and patted his shoulder. "everythings gonna be just as you imagined. Dont stress yourself. Y/n likes you anyways. She would be stupid to say no." vernon slowly nodded, getting gradually more confident. "yeah... Maybe you're right i mean... What do i have to lose?" he smiled and minghao gave him a thumb up. Hansols confidence was rising and rising.

"your pride duh" a cheeky smiling seungkwan suddenly appeared behind them and let vernons confident smile fall. "shut uup dont you see how confident he was?! Im gonna-" he hit his other jokster friend on the shoukder and tried to catch him while seungkwan was already running out of the kitchen like a cheetah. Hell, seungkwan knows how to make feel people regret their desicions.

But it was already too late to do something different so he had to go with this idea. Well, wgo knows if y/n would axtually like it and say yes to his overly cheesy promposal. Out of reflex he took out a thick black pen and wrote something spontaniously on the inner upper part of the box where the still steaming pizza was in. He hoped that would make it a bit more casual.

He wasnt exactly great with how to deal with stuff related to girls like asking them to prom, so he had asked Mingyu, the groups charmer, about what girls would like. And the first thing he told me was food. Girls obviously love food. So i went with this idea. Well... I guess who doesnt like food? Y/n just had to like it.

Before Vernon could think any differently, he took the pizza box and left the dorm to ride with his car to his crushs house. When he arrived about 7 minutes later, he stood nervously infront of her door, deciding rather to ring the bell or not to. But after thinking and thinking he shortly pressed the little bell button and waited with the pizza in his hand.

There was still light in the house and he could here some faded chatters going on but he couldnt understand ehat they were talking about. When he heard footsteps coming closer to the door, his heart began beating faster and he clenched the pizza carton in his hand a bit tighter. He defenitely was nervous. How would she react?

When the door opened, there was another girl, slightly looking younger than y/n, maybe around 16/17. It was probably her sister as he noticed some facial similarities. She just stared at him and the pizza, before she wanted to close the door again. "oh im sorry, we didnt order pizza. You must have had the wrong adresse."

Hansol jumped quickly. "no no no uhm... Im not the delivery boy haha uhm... I just wanted to know if y/n is here..." her eyes lit up and she smiled cheeky. "ohhh okaayyy im gonna get her. Wait a second." she told the handsome boy and no second later, he could hear her screaming even through the door. "Y/N THERES A HANDSOME BOY WHO WANTS TO TALK TO YOU! GO HURRY UP!"

A shrill and panicked "whaatt?! Who is it?" was heard and Vernon tried hard not to laugh. Y/n was always being so adorable. Hearing her made him somehow more relaxed ans he smiled quietly when y/n suddenly appeared in the doorframe.

Seeing her even in her sweatpants and hoodie, made his heart feeling the warmest it had ever been and he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. Luckily it was dark so noone could notice. She just looked girgeous in his eyes.

"a-ah hansol? What- what are you doing here?" when his name left her mouth, he swore to himself to never love another woman than her. "hi y/n..." Boi, would he have known that y/n was freaking out inside. It was actually Chwe Hansol, who was standing infront of her house, wanting to talk to her. The most handsome and sweet boy in the universe for her.

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