Kim Jongdae (Chen) (EXO) imagine 2

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Clicking of cameras and the blending flashes all around us. It was like a never ending horror movie. They just kept and kept on crowding us. We were probably surrounded by two hundret people. Mainly fans and paparazzi. Some would assume that the paparazzi would be the worse and they are but even worse are the sasaengs. The crazy fans, who cant live without harrassing their oppas. It was horrible.

My hand clinged onto my boyfriends as tight as i just could to not getting lost in the screaming crowd. They were all screaming his name: "CHEEENN, CHEEENN, JONGDAE OPPAAAA!!! NOTICE MEEE! I LOVE YOUU!" My ears nearly fell off when i heard the extremely loud scream from right beside. Some sasaengs had just no respect at all. Escpecially for the idols privacy.

Nobody would believe how much they really disturb Chens private life, but they do... A lot. He would always get calls and texts from unknown numbers, even at night. They just wouldnt let him alone. And after that he would always immediately change his number but that may lasts for one week and then it starts all again. There were a lot of tines, where Chen just shut off his phone just to not get disturbed so much.

And there were even crazier stories. Like how some sasaengs broke into exos dorm and stole their boxershorts, sending them nudes of themself or following them to the toilet in a plane. It is sick how less privacy they actually have as famous idols.

And also after our relationship got published, there was no stop for them on hating and hating on me. I got soo much hate and soo many death threads. On top of that, my phone got hacked every 10 minutes. It was hell on earth. I cried my eyes out for days straight about all of this. I hadnt done anything wrong at all. I was just together with the person i love so much. And if they want me to break up with him because of all their hate, they can cancell that. Me and Chen were strong and together we got this.

Now after about one and a half years after our relationship got published, the hate and the death threads are still there. Not as much as before, but still present. Of course there were also a ton of supportive fans who actually were happy for us but sadly not everyone thinks like that. And me and Chen would always feel that. But together we were strong, no matter what.

Currently we were at the airport, coming back from a trip to jeju, where we visited my family and took some time off from all the spotlight. And it was so nice. We spent so much time together just cuddling in bed and enjoying each others company while singing to some great songs. And now we were on our way back home to seoul. Me and Chen shared an appartement there and even though we do, i rarely got to see him because of his work. So this was a perfect chance.

But of course the moment we arrived at the airport, there were a ton of people with cameras just waiting for us. They all spotted us as the hot topic. But i didnt see it. For me, we were just a normal couple. Jongdae just had a really rare job. A mega famous idol.

We tried squeezing through the crowd and my boyfriend tried to look behind him here and rhere to check if im still there. They were literally trying to tear us apart but oir grips were stronger. I saw many grabbing Chen and trying to touch anything from him. My heart hurt at this sight. Why wont they just leave him alone? He was also just human. And i know how much he hated this.

When we had to stop because of by passing cars at a street, they crowded us even more and gave us nearly no space to even breath. Jongdaes grip around my hand got tighter and he tried to find a way out for us. "please can we pass? Make some space please." he tried to tell the people around us but of course no one was listening.

I started to breath heavily and i knew what was happening. I hated crowded places. The most out of all. I tried grabbing chen with my other hand but failed the first few times. His eyes immediately went to me and he put a securing arm around me. "are you okay y/n? Dont panic, we will come out of here soon." he comforted me quietly hoping no paparazzi would here our conversation but we knew they would somehow.

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