If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 17

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A day was left till he tells his father his final decision mean while he was too occupied with something else not able to think straight at all. A knock came on the door distracting him from his irrelevant thoughts, Hasheem announced the presence of his step mother 'Zubaidah'.

"Let her in!" He said standing up from the couch he was currently laying down on.

"Mama?" He said confused as to why his step mother was in his room by this time of the day, he checked the wall clock and it says 3:40 in the morning.

"Abdullah how are you? You look so stressed I hope it is not what your father said about your forthcoming wedding? She asked sweetly.

"Ah'ah mama it is not like that however I don't freak out when father speaks about something like this moreover have you forgotten that I don't share my problems with anyone?" He asked politely.

"I know about that Abdullah, but I can't bear it to see you in such a bad situation whereby even your own mother don't have a say in it. I really feel sorry for you!" She said rubbing his back.

"Mama I told you already that I don't like people sympathizing with me you of all people should have known that, and what did you mean by saying that even my own mother don't have a say in it?" He snapped at her.

"Why have you lost your cool so soon Abdullah? I was just... I mean... I..I.." she trailed off shedding tears in the process. Abdullah sighed before standing up and moving to her place.

"Mama why are you crying now?" He placed one of his arm around her shoulder before he sat down close to her. "Am sorry mama, I really didn't mean to shout at you. Things are really getting out of my control this days. Right now on one hand, I have to give my final decision tomorrow to my father and on the other hand I have both of my sisters joy and happiness at stake!" He said frustrated about the hole issue.

"Okay Abdullah, let me tell you something just follow your heart and do what you think is right okay?", she said smiling at him.

"Okay thank you mama! But don't you think that it is really late you have to go to bed and get some rest tomorrow is going to be hectic for all of us especially me", he said looking at the wall clock which now reads 4:30 am.

"Yes your are right I really need to rest now but please Abdullah don't stress yourself too much okay?!" She said standing up from her previous seat.

"Okay! Good night mama and thanks for the little idea" he said then shut the door after she left. He went back to his bed rested for a little while then noticed that he haven't slept since last night, he recited his sleeping du'as closed his eyes then.......ALLAHUAKBAR ALLAHUAKBAR was what he heard next.

"Just great timing prince!!" He said then stood up and went to his washroom to perform his wudu and headed to the royal mosque to pray in congregation. When they were done he sat down there in the mosque and recited some few suras then exited and headed to the gym since he wore his his jugging suit no need for him to go back home and change. He entered the gym and felt as if someone have been following him since from the mosque. He turned around slowly but didn't see anyone around, he Checked the entrance but found no one.

"Why am I feeling as if someone is stalking me?" He asked himself. Shrugging the thoughts away he stared his morning exercise. Mid way he saw a figure moving and then his doubt increased and went behind the person.

"Who are you?" He said placing his hand in the person's shoulder tightly not letting him go. The figure slowly turned and then the face came into view.

"What are you doing here? He asked
"Am sorry your highness for following secretly! I was ordered to follow you" he explained hisself before he could be asked some questions he can't answer.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now