If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 60

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Abdullah was walking down the hall when he heard a few maids gossiping about someone, his wife? He leaned in to listen clearly as they spoke.

"I really wonder what her highness has done to the crown Prince that he is just head over heels for her, I can remember clearly when they got married and how he was treating her. He hated her guts then and didnt even like hearing her name being called" the first one said with disgust. 

"Yeah I can also remember that, there was a rumour circulating the palace just months after their marriage that he slapped her and almost raped her when she refused him. The Prince is not all innocent you see? He couldn't even wait for her to finish her period" the second one said. Abdullah was stunned, he can't even imagine that they were saying something like this about him and his wife. He accept that he was harsh toward her at the beginning of their marriage but he had never for once forced himself on her. He wasn't that kind of person. 

"Are you sure about that Zaynab? He seems so modest and just… perfect I wish I had the chance to become their personal maid just like that foolish brat, Anisah who doesn't know what she had gotten and is just careless" the first maid said again. The girl who was named Zaynab snorted and said,

"Just because her highness likes her and his highness is showing her some kindness, she gets to show off? I can't wait to find an oppurnity to turn their kindness into hatred for her. I just don't like her" 

"I have a perfect solution for that, you don't need to worry" 

"And Maryam," Zaynab started, "I want you to pay perfect attention on his highness, and keep an eye on Anisah I don't trust that girl. I am sure she is using the absence of the princess to get close to his highness, keep an eye on her" the place seemed to quieten down and Abdullah decide to leave. 

He had already thought of a way to teach them some manners. 

Not only are they disrespecting his wife, but also his maid whom he cherish so much. He continued his journey to the throne room to attend to some matters and also visit the king. 

"Your highness!" They all said in unison bowing deeply. 

"Your majesty!" Abdullah said bowing to the king. The king just nodded and told him to take his seat before the rest also sat down. 

"Your majesty, there are pressing matters that need your attention urgently. The people of the Garish province are suffering from drought and hunger, they have no food to eat neither do they have water to farm. They are calling for your attention to help them". The chief state councillor said stepping forward. 

"And not only that your majesty, some of the neighbouring village of Garish are also suffering from bandit and and thiefs as it is now, they have no way to protect themselves because they themselves are weak and cannot fight due to the drought" the assistant minister of the state said. As more complain poured in from different ministers, the king and the crown Prince sat quietly listening to them with clear attentiveness. 

"Chief state councillor?" Abdullah called calmly, the chief state councillor turned his face and looked at Abdullah before bowing gently with folded hands. 

"Yes your highness" he answered.

"I presume you are the one taking care of all the provisions given to you to distribute to the people?" Abdullah asked, the chief state councillor gazed at him and nodded his head reluctanly 

"Yes your highness I am" 

"Good! When was the last time you received provisions and foods supply from the palace?" The chief state councillor sensed trouble coming and immediately jumped into defence mode 

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now