If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 34

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"Sallam your majesty!" She said bowing deeply as soon as she saw her.

"Wasallam, how are you!" She chirped happily hugging her then her sisters Inlaw followed suits.

"Am fine Alhamdulilah" she answered after hugging them. They took their seats just opposite the married couple whom obviously didn't seat close to each other and didn't go unnoticed by them.

"So, hope we are not interrupting you at all?" The queen asked.

"No not at all" she answered with a smile. After a bit of silence he stood up excusing himself from the room too tired of looking at her face.

"So tell me dear what is your name?" The question took her off guard because that was not what she was expecting to hear. She was expecting something like ' so tell me what the hell are you doing here and why did you marry my son' not this simple and out of the way question.

She smiled before she said, "my name is Kulthum.... Umm Kulthum your majesty. She scowled then said to her "don't call me that again okay? Call me mom or mother just the way your husband calls me" she said smiling sweetly. She nodded.

"Okay tell me khulthum dear, are you done with your studies or they still ongoing?" She asked.

"Yes mom am done with my studies, and am a cardiologist now" I said proudly as I saw a little smile graze the side of her mouth.

"MashaAllah sister, am so happy for you. The smaller one with a round face and a pointed nose said smiling from ear to ear. "Now I don't have to worry myself anymore about going to the hospital because I already have a very qualified doctor in our home. How lucky am I?" Isn't that so correct Amrah?" She asked her sister that was seating just close to me. "By the way I am Hurul'ain and that ugly one seating close to you is named Amrah". She said with a wink and Amrah scowled at her playfully. "Don't worry I have a better sense of humor than her and I will be your favorite!" She squealed happily.

"I still can't believe that I am seeing a cardiologist just right in front of me! I always thought that they don't exist but in the novels little did I know that I will have a cute cardiologist sister Inlaw living with me under the same roof. Wow just wow!" The other one said. She was slightly taller then the other and slightly fairer then her sister but nonetheless beautiful just like their mother.

"Okay enough of the introduction and teasing, I see you guys have become best of friend already but I want to have a word or two with her alone, so please close and call Abdullah for me in your way out okay?" She said dismissing them nicely.

"Okay" they both said and left.

"Salamualaikum" came his deep calm voice.

"Wasallam son,come here." She said patting the space next to her. He sat down not bothering to even spare me a glance which was so okay by me.

"You called for me mom?" He asked, as if already tired seating where he is.

"Yes I did, do you have a problem with that?" She asked.

"No.. no I don't"

"Okay good. Since you don't have a problem with that I will suggest you two to spare some time out of your busy schedule to get to know each other better". She said and my head snapped up almost immediately and I choked on my spit.

"Are you alright dear?" She asked worriedly and I nodded my head. 'I was like, what the hell mother? Why on earth would you think I will like to spend some quality time with this monster?'

"But mom.." he started but was cut off by his mother raising her hand to silence him.

"No ifs and buts" she said standing up and leaving the room. We both sat in silence for almost five minutes without looking at each other or caring to even think to look at each other.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now