If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 59

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By the time she finished speaking with Abdullah on the phone, it was already past noon and Alia was still yet to wake up and that surprised kulthum. Even though Alia was a sleep lover, she never sleeps till noon. Something was definitely wrong with her. She stood up and decided to wake her up but when she arrived, Alia was not on the couch but sprawled on the floor with a gentle grunt escaping her mouth. 

"Bestie?" She tapped her on the hip but Alia didn't even move. She tried again but she couldn't wake her up so she became a little scared. What did Alia take that she can't even wake up? "Alia wake up" this time Kulthum shook her with a little force but still she didn't wake up. She stood up and went to the kitchen to fetch some water and sprinkled it on her but she still didn't bulge so she poured the whole jug of water on her and Alia finally woke up with a jolt. 

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed, dazed. Kulthum heaved a deep sigh of relief and went to hug her. 

"What happened to you? I have been trying to wake you up but you wouldn't even bulge?" Kulthum explained looking at her wearily. 

"Urgh my head hurts feels like it is about to explode" Alia said, holding her head and squinting her eyes. Kulthum quickly stood up and went to her bag then grabbed some painkillers and gave it to her. 

"Can you stand up?" Alia nodded and stood up with staggering feets then kulthum helped her to the washroom so that she could have her bath.  When she came out, her clothes and food were arranged for her so she got dressed and went to sit close to Kulthum who fed her. 

"What happened after the party?" Alia suddenly asked opening her mouth to collect the food from Kulthum.  Kulthum frowned her face raising a brow at her

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean I don't remember how I got home or what happend at the party after I left with Sarah. Tell me what happened? The little fragment of memories I have left with me is that… I don't even know anymore" she sounded confused

"You don't remember?" Kulthum suddenly became alert and adjusted her sitting position, dropping the plate of food. 

"Why are you suddenly serious?" Alia asked innocently.  

"When you left with Sarah, Dr Neil came to me and a waiter accidently tripped pushing me and I landed in the arms of Neil pouring all the content of my wine on him. So I took him to the washroom and was about to clean it off and then nothing. The next time I woke up, I was in his hotel room laying in his bed. He told me that he called you several times but you didn't return any of his calls" Kulthum quickly explained, but as she was explaining, the more she talked about it, the more she could know that something was fishy. 

"Well, about that, my phone was with Sarah, she needed to make an urgent phone call but her mobile battery died so she had to borrow mine. I'm sorry I had to make you stay out" 

"No problem, but how did you come back home?" Kulthum asked, Alia furrowed her brows deep in  thought then her eyes suddenly lighted up and she said,

"Yeah I remember, it was a guy named Yazeed? Or whatever his name was, he was the one that brought me home. I remember he was the last person I spoke to before everything blanked out". 

"Yazeed? Yazeed Zubair?" Kulthum asked and Alia nodded nonchalantly, grabbing her food to resume eating. 

"Why? You know him?" Kulthum nodded looking at her skeptically before a thought jumped into her head

"Don't you think there is some connection between those three? Dr Neil, Sarah and Yazeed?" While saying that Alia was about to munch on her spoon when she paused and looked at Kulthum perplexed

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora