If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 31

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This chappy is dedicated to @inkgirlish thanks for being the first to vote for my previous chappy.

Please ignore any kind of grammatical errors or typing errors. I am currently editing it. Hope you like this one.
Here comes the chappy.

"I asked you to do a simple job and even that too you couldn't have it done could you?" She spat. "You know what? Just forget it I don't need you again. And make sure you don't call up this number again because if you do, I won't hesitate to end you and your petty life. I will send you your money because only idiots like you have the manners of not completing a task and then ask for their money afterwards." She continued. "Just get rid of him only him but that too you couldn't do."

"I am sorry ma'am! He is always guarded by many solders so how do you expect me to throw myself into the arms of death?" He asked clearly irritated by her choice of words.

"What is the damn use of your apology when he is already married and soon to be crowned as the king? Young stupid fellow! Don't you get it? I want my son to be the next king of this place, with him alive, my dreams will never come true." She exclaimed angrily, hanging up.

"Mom? Are you alright? Who have you been talking to?" Asked her daughter as she came closer to her mother.

"Ummm... I was just talking to one of my relative who likes to disturb. You know how I hate people calling and disturbing me right?" She smiled. "Excuse dear I need to be somewhere important" she excused herself and left.

"What is wring with mom!" She asked herself but nonetheless shrugged it off and went her way.


"Hey Abdullah May I speak with you for some time?" Suhailah the last wife asked as she saw him coming out of the throne room.

"On my way out! When I return" he grumbled walking past her to the palace threshold.

"Please I just want to ask a question" she pleaded staring at him. "I don't know why you have been giving me the cold treatment ever since we came back from our trip. Is something wrong?" She pressed.

"Look I have no idea of what you are saying, and FYI I far more important things to attend right now so if you excuse me.." he said and left leaving her standing like a statue. Ever since she got married to his father, he had been giving her silent treatment which she actually don't know why or the reason behind his sullen attitude toward her.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now