If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 37

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Five hours later.....

I was in the OT together with Alia and four other surgeons working on our anesthetic patient heart. Two hours into the surgery, the heart rate monitor machine started beeping dropping drastically fast fork the actual supposed rate.

"We are losing him" Alia said as she hurried to place the oxygen mask back on while we tried our best to stabilize him. After a really long while, he became stables and then we quickly stitched him back and shifted him to the ICU where he was going to be observed. When I came of the OT (operation theatre), I removed my scrubs and bloody gloves then heaved a sigh and went out only to be bombarded with a thousand questions form his family.

"Please doctors tell me that my son is okay?!" An elderly woman who noticed me first came flying my way.

"Yes doctor, please tell us" another man said who looks to be in his fifties asked.

"He is being kept under observation ma'am, am sorry but I can't say anything for now. The operation went well!" I assured them and walked away. Sometime I really hate my job. A feeling of awfulness overwhelmed me my every time I speak professionally to the family of a patient I have operated on. They must really be thinking that I am a heartless being who doesn't give a damn about who leaves or dies. I sighed again when I entered my cabin then collected my lab coat that was hanging on the coat hanger and went to see a few of my patients because obviously I can't see them all in one day.

"Salmah, let me see the medical report of our cute Mary here" I said smiling at the cute little girl seating on her bed with an infused IV line on her hand. I felt really bad for this poor girl, she doesn't deserve to go all through this pain it is too much for her to bear on her own. But then, who am I to decide someone's fate?. Scheming through her reports, she was improving quite well and judging from her report if it isn't a lie off course, she would be discharged in a few days.

"Give me a big high five Mary!" I cheered as I raised my hand for her to clap, she did so smiling at me. "Cute Mary her is such a strong girl I see isn't it Salmah?" I asked

"Off course she is!" Salmah cooed, "and in no time she will be playing with her friends back at home" she added.

"Am I going back home doctor?" She asked as if she wanted to make sure of what Salmah was saying.

"Off course Mary you will be finally discharged on Monday" I said as I couldn't contain the happiness I was feeling for her in my heart.

"Did you hear that mommy? I will be going back home in the next three days! Am so happy, thank you so much doctor you are the best." She said as she carried her doll which I presumed she loved so much and handed it over me saying... "this is one of my favorite dolls doctor, am giving it to you as a sign of gratitude as you have saved me and maya" she said referring to the doll. "So here thank you so much. It is not only a doll, it is also a sign of hope. Many good things shall come your way as they did mine". She said offering me the doll. I was so amazed that a five year old girl like her could talk like this.

"Thank you so much Mary it means a lot to me" I said collecting it.

"Thank you so much doctor for saving my daughters life. She means everything to me" her mother sniffed trying to push back her tears.

"No need to thank me ma'am it is after all my job to save lives" I assured her

"Oh please call me Martha" she said as she half laughed half cried.

"Martha is it then" I smiled then excused myself to check on my other patients and thankfully they were all recovering fast and soon will be discharged from the hospital. By the time I was done, it was already last lunch time and I was so hungry so I told Salmah to Oder me some shawarma and any other food of her choice for me and herself together with Alia as I know she was still in the OT performing another surgery. That is always our work, performing surgery after surgery till no one is left or if people stop having heart failure I guess that is when I work will be done but for now, we have no rest. Apart from my cardiology carrier, I also have a in oral and maxillofacial surgery(face and head in general) which I learnt in Harvard university. I dedicated all my life to school due to me talking at an early age and to smart for my age. So my parent took the liberty of putting in school at the age of 2 then I skyrocketed using my brains to finish school at an early age then quickly entered university then graduated with a degree and masters in medicine and surgery of both aspects. You can call me a brain box or a really wonderful nerd. Completing some pending work I had before my wedding which has surprisingly increased, a knock came on the door interrupting my thought. "Come in" I called back. Soon after, Salmah and khulthum both came in together carrying leathers upon leathers of jamaals stuffed with our lunch in it. I was still surprised that this two were getting along together because the last time I checked, Alia hated Salmah's guts. So what happened? What changed? I pushed the thought to the back of my mind because obviously, it was non of my business. We spread the food on my center table and without second thoughts, we digged in.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now