If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 21

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Hey guuuuuuyyyyyyyssssss!!!! How are you? Am so sorry for not updating for sooo long, but you see not everything goes as planned. So please don't be mad at me for not updating I know I promised and am really sorry for breaking 😔. So to cut long story short here is your update and hope you like it. Stay safe and blessed.


"Ummm.... Alia?" Kulthum called scared as if she might say something stupid.

"Yes?" Alia answered munching on some snacks she grabbed from the kitchen.

"Don't you have anyone on mind? As in anyone you love? I mean anyone you might want to spend the rest of your life with?" She blurted out making her choke on the snack she was eating.

"What the hell kulthum? Was the only question you can ask right now?" She said as soon as she recovered.

"Just wanted to have an idea that all" she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Hmm.. I see!".

"What do you mean by that?" Kulthum raised a brow questionly at her. "I just wanted to make sure that I was not leaving alone but you see it turned out to be like that, but I think I have a better idea!" She said smiling.

"And what might that be?" Alia questioned with a straight face but her heart was accelerating as she already knew what was going to come next.

"Why not we hook you up with my brother so that we can become real sisters in and out, and you will make a very cute couple!" She exclaimed.

"What? No! Are you nuts?" Shouted a shocked Alia. Seeing that look on her face Kulthum started laughing.

"Oh my God! Did you see your shocked face?" She said laughing.

"That was not funny Kulthum" Alia said as a little blush crept on her cheek. She couldn't deny the fact that she like it but hearing it coming out of the mouth of Kulthum made it some how weird for her.

"Says the girl who is blushing!" Kulthum commented.

"Wait a Sec! Have you heard of Natasha?" Alia asked. A frown found its way to kulthum's face as she heard the woman's name. "You know I don't care!" Kulthum said snatching her phone from the night stand.

"Off course I do know! But what about Na'im, I tried reaching him but it clearly seems to me that he is not ready to work with us" Alia said thoughtfully. An invisible smile appeared in kulthum's face but didn't go unnoticed by Alia who understood what was cooking up between the two of them.

"No I haven't, but I think he is on...." she was cut off as her phone started vibrating she checked the called and said the name loudly so that Alia can hear her. "Na'im" she said looking surprised.

"Hello?" She said and put the call on loud speaker.

"Am so sorry for vanishing just like that ma'am without telling you, I am really sorry I accept any punishment you that comes my way from you, but, can you please spare some of your precious time just to hear me out?" They heard Na'im's voice from the other side as soon as she picked the call.

"Hold on a Sec! Na'im and breath." She said. "And tell me where the hell have you been all the time?" She asked as she snapped back to her professional tone.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now