If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 62

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By the time they both woke up from sleep, it was already 12:30 pm.

"Okay I will just go and have my bath now then we can head out right?" Alia asked, stretching her cramped limbs. Kulthum nodded and motioned for her to go ahead since she had already taken her bath early this morning. She didn't bother bathing again. Moreover, the weather was cold and she wasn't planning on getting a flu. When they finally got dressed and headed out it was a little past two and they hadn't had their breakfast so they both settled in a cozy restaurant and ordered something nice and light. 

"It is amazing here, I could spend the whole day here '' Alia said, looking around until her gaze fell on something or someone behind Kulthum. "Urgh not again…" she sighed

"What.." before Kulthum could make a full sentence she heard his jovial voice from behind her. 

"Hey girls, what a coincidence" Neil said, grabbing a chair and joining them. 

"What are you doing here?"  Kulthum demanded, suddenly blushing red. Alia arched her brow giving her a weird look but Kulthum pretended not to notice and poked her food, her mind wandering to the day she slept in Neil's apartment and all that transpired. She suddenly felt guilty for not telling the whole truth to Alia.

"Down to earth Kulthum! Where were you lost?" Neil snapped his fingers in front of her face. 

"Umm… excuse me I need to use the washroom" she got up and walked to the washroom with the help of a waiter who directed her to it and when she arrived, she sprinkled some cold water on her face trying to calm herself down. When she was certain that she was alright, she made her way back to the restaurant but her appetite was long gone. 

"Are you alright?" Alia asked, examining her face. She nodded as if she wasn't interested in talking anymore and Alia understood that quite well so she let her be. Kulthum poked her food mindlessly paying no heed to what Neil and Alia were talking about and by the time they finished eating, Kulthum was on the verge of canceling their plans but she couldn't do that to her friend just because an unwanted figure came into the picture. 

"Are we done here?" She asked, her voice sounding sharp.

"Yeah yeah we are. Neil, we are going shopping. Do you mind accompanying us?" As Kulthum heard that she instantly regretted why she didn't bail on Alia and go back to their apartment and now she has to spend the whole day with him? Great! Just great! As they all headed out Kulthum displeasure was quite visible and Neil felt as if he was not wanted there. 

"Um.. Alia, I just remembered that I have an appointment with someone in thirty minutes, catch you later?" Neil lied, stealing a glance at Kulthum who just sighed inaudibly. 

"What? You and an appointment? Since when did you start sticking to time? Don't worry it is not going to take long, just come along. Maybe I can be generous enough and get you a watch?" Alia offered, striking his weak point. She knew Neil loves watches and she used that against him.

"Not fair alia" Neil complained unable to resist the offer

"What is wrong with you Kulthum? You haven't spoken a word since he came, are you sure you are alright?" 

"Yeah I'm fine. He can come if he wants. What do I care?" She snarled and walked away leaving a perplexed Alia and a displeased Neil behind.

"I'm so sorry about that, I don't know what has gotten into her. I will speak with her," Alia said catching up with Kulthum. However, before she could reach her, Neil stopped her and said to her be. Alia didn't like the way Kulthum was acting out and especially in public. 

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora