If i can hate you,why can't you? Chp 10

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"You won't go anywhere baby sis!" I heard him say, I stared at him in shock not really understanding what he meant.

" what do you mean?" I asked " I told you that someone is dying and you are telling me that I am not going anywhere?" I snapped at him.

"Hey cool down baby sis. I didn't mean that. What I meant was that you will not go there like this, instead of treating someone you will get yourself treated that is what I meant baby sis!" He said and I released a breath of relief.

"You scared me brother! I thought you said that I should get back to my room when my pat.....!" My sentence got cut off by my ringing phone.

"Where are you Kulthum? You don't seem to care at all right? I told you that the patient is loosing his life and you are still at home doing God's knows what! The patient is loosing too much blood why can't you understand that?" She said getting frustrated.

"Alia please cool down first, everything is going to be alright". I said as even me I wasn't sure about that at all. " just try and stop the bleeding I will be there in just five minutes." I said while my eyes where on saddique throughout. Before I could say anything else he was off to take his car keys from the key holder that was placed on the wall.

" shall we?" I heard him say before he added " I will drive you there because seeing you like this I can't let you go there on your own!" He said as he strode to the front door and went to the porch to drive his car out.

As we hit the highway I couldn't think straight I was just thinking about the patient that was waiting for me to save his life and....

"Come on, baby sis we are here" I heard saddique's voice which brought an abrupt halt to my train of thought.
As I climbed down from the car I quickly went straight to the theatre and started my job. I didn't even got the chance to change into my surgery gown.

"Surg. Alia! I called in my professional tone. "Can you tell me how many hours has this patient spent in here?" I asked as I placed my stethoscope on his chest to check if his still breathing or not.

"Twelve hours" she said glancing at her wrist watch.

"Okay give me the scissors and the knife and...." it continued that way until I was done and stitched him back.

"How was it?" Came saddique's voice from my left.

"It would have been much more better if you had participated in the surgery!" I said

"Well you didn't invited me in!" He said shrugging his shoulders. "So!would you answer my earlier question? How was the surgery?" He said with a lopsided grin.

"Alhamdulilah! But I had a very tuff time completing the surgery because he lost blood a lot of we almost lost him or more correctly we lost him but with the miracles of Allah we completed the surgery". I said with a thumping heart or more correctly I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

""I think I am" I murmured and glanced at him to see that he was staring ahead of us.

"I will be right back!" He send then left without giving me the chance to ask where. I strode close to him and noticed that he was speaking with almost like a long lost friend of his, yeah, I know that he has a friend that I have never seen him before and I doubt if he knows me because I don't.

"Yeah, I know that I have been a very careless friend this days right?" I heard the other person say.

"Oh please! Can you stop embarrassing me like that I know that I have been the one at fault and you are saying otherwise?! Really!" Saddique said, as I still couldn't see the person he was speaking with. They kept on charting for awhile and it almost seem to me that they new each other very well but some tilting was off, I couldn't put my finger on it but... oh yeah that voice it sounded utterly familiar but I couldn't detect where I heard it from but I know, that I have heard that same voice somewhere. Shrugging the thought away I heard saddique say.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now