If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 14

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Salam guys just wanted to say that I changed kulthum's Hosital to 'ZENZIBAR HOSPITAL' (ZH), so please don't get confused. And sorry for the late update and please enjoy.


I woke up the next morning feeling a bit weird and tired, maybe it is because of the operation I had yesterday so I decided not to go to work today. I climbed down from my comfortable bed and headed to the washroom once done with what I intended to do, I entered the dressing room which was quite a step from the washroom or a door from the washroom. I picked a purple embroidered off-shouldered fitted gown with a matching veil I did my head tie in the one eighty style and applied a simple make up and last but not the least I wore my jewelries and a marching bangles and after that I put on my flat shoes since I was not going anywhere. I came downstairs to help mum in the kitchen.

"Sallam mum!" I greeted her when I came in.

"Wassalm dear! Wow you look beautiful today.

"So are you trying to tell me that I am not beautiful until I makeup?" I asked trying to be hurt.

"No dear I just wanted to know if you are going somewhere or is somebody coming to see you and I don't know?" She asked lowering her voice.

"Noooooo!!" I almost screamed. "It is nothing like that I just wanted to feel free today and I am not going anywhere nor is anybody coming to see me". I defended.

"Mmmmmm". She said narrowing her eyes. "I see! Somebody is getting nervous just because I asked her if someone is coming to see her i think maybe she is ready to get married?" She asked herself and in the process teasing me.


"What is going on here or am I missing something I need to know of?" I got cut off by Saddique.

"You see dear your baby sis.......".

" sweet brother why not take me to Alia's house and from there you can meet your friend her brother right?" I said cutting mum off because if she happens to tell Saddique mood hen my name is Sorry, because he will always tease me with it.

"Ahhh yes that would be great! It has been long since we have meet, I don't think it is a bad idea to go there but first let me listen to what the apple of my eyes has to say then we will leave after that" he said kissing her head.

"Ummm... no..no.. that is not important right now let's just leave if we return Insha Allah you will hear it!" I said. Even if we return she may have forgotten to just forget about it. I murmured.

"Did you say something?" Mum asked smiling. I know she heard me.

"No mum I didn't I was talking to brother" I said.

"Okay by the way baby sis I really wanted to tell you something and listen to me you can't believe it!" He exclaimed. "Do you want to hear it?" He asked

I know where this is going to but I really wanted to hear it myself so I asked.

"What is it sweet brother?"

"If you really want to hear it then you must prepare a very hot chocolate for me I love it when you prepare it tastes like no other. Now please my got chocolate?" He smirked.

"But you better make sure you tell me okay?" I said before dragging my lazy ass to the stove. I poured water into the kettle then placed it on the stove to boil, after that I made his hot chocolate for him I made two cups because even I too want to take it. I placed his own cup in front of him then sat opposite him before saying.

"So tell me something sweet brother? Do you really think that I will fall for your silly jokes? You just told me that....!".

"No wait!" He dipped from his cup. "I really need to tell you something you just have to believe me and I am serious please don't panic, I just need a straight forward answer it is either a YES or a NO!!"

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now