If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 56

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"I wanted to talk to you before I leave" Kulthum said sweetly as if she was talking to her younger sister. Anisah felt moved by the affection showered on her by the crown princess and almost teared up. 

"I am at your service your highness" anisah bowed. Abdullah stood there looking at his fragile wife with admiration and suddenly she did something no royal family had ever done before. 

She hugged anisah. 

Standing there in the embrace of a royal family of the highest level, anisah froze dumbfounded staring at the back of Kulthum not knowing what to do. She quickly parted from her keeping a safe distance between them and said with fright,

"Your highness.." She started, trembling a little as she noticed the hard and dazed gaze of Abdullah, "that is not allowed a lady should never hug or befriend her maid" as warm as her embrace felt, she could never hug the princess nor look her in the eye the only thing she could do was to serve her. 

And how can you befriend the person you know you have to serve till the day you die? Not possible. 

"C'mon Anisah, you are like a younger sister to me how can you say that?" She sounded a bit offended. 

"Forgive me your highness, as much as I would love it to be a younger sister to you, I am but to serve you till the day I die. That is my duty, "Anisah responded with a teary eye. 

Seeing the funny scene being displayed before his eyes, Abdullah grew frustrated and said,

"C'mon love, you are getting late" 

Khukthin tore her eyes from anisah sighed and left not without hugging her one last time and this time, anisah responded. 

After bidding farewells to her escorts, Kulthum finally boarded the plane and zoomed off with a heavy heart. 

She definitely knew that she was going to miss him and that thought alone almost brought tears to her eyes. Now that she was no longer going to London but Japan, she knew the time difference between the two countries and it wasn't a joke. How was she expected to survive being 8 hours away from him? 

Will she be able to survive that long without him and that too for two weeks? Well… she doubts but she will live through it. 

By the time she landed, it was already past midnight and she was extremely exhausted. Seating in one place for eight hours doesn't really sound exciting, rather, painfully exhausting. She checked into the most expensive apartment in the country's capital which happened to be Abdullah's closest friend's apartment and retired for the day but not before calling her hubby and telling him that she had arrived safely. 

Immediately she got off the call, she prayed her isha prayer since it was the last that she didn't offer and slept off. She didn't bother taking her bath because she had already done so on the airplane. 

Using her hand to feel the space next to her, she felt it cold and frowned a little before naturally moaning out a name. 


But no answer. She tried a few more times but still she got the same result, silence. She opened her eyes wide and looked around the room however it wasn't as she remembered,

Everything had changed. Wait a minute, this wasn't her room so how…? She looked around and finally it dawned on her that she was no longer with her darling, she was in Japan eight hours away. 

Suddenly she felt a lump in her throat and tears threatened to cloud her vision but before she could even think of wiping it, her phone ranged. She picked it up at once and saw that it was a video call from Abdullah and instantly, a wide smile appeared on her gloomy face. 

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now