If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 66

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"I have told you the truth, please believe me, you know I can't do that" Kulthum said, tears brimming up in her eyes. 

"And you expect me to believe that? Look at the pictures yourself and tell me what you see" the anger in his eyes was something she thought she had long forgotten about. The last time she saw that kind of anger was a year and a half ago and she thought she wasn't going to see it ever again but who was she kidding? 

"Please believe me, I haven't done anything with him I promise" as she said that, she glanced at the disgusting pictures and gulped painfully. The one laid in front of her on the ground was when Neil held her by the waist during their ball party in Tokyo. The picture was captured in a very attentive state that you will think they were having a moment. The next was when he carried her in his arms to his room apartment but this time around, something changed. 

She was wild awake laughing humorously at something he said to her. 

The next, was when she slept in his apartment and also this time around, something also changed. There was a very huge difference. 

Neil was laying right beside her with his arms circled around her waist while her head rested on his shirtless chest, she was no longer wearing her clothes but a flimsy lingerie sleeping so soundly in his arms. The last was when he was about to kiss her in that dressing room but with one glance at the picture, you will swear they were actually kissing each other. As she looked at that picture, her eyes traveled to Abdullah's face and she immediately regretted the idea of looking at him instantly.  In his eyes bore disappointment, disgust and is that …. Regret she's seeing? What have you done Kulthum? 

"You slept in his room didnt you?" His calm voice was just driving her crazy, she wanted him to scream on top of his lungs but instead, he's talking so calmly to her. 

"It was not intentional I swear, please let me explain. All this is just a misunderstanding please let me explain" 

"Did you or did you not sleep in his room?" He asked again 

"I did, but please listen to me" her begging was breaking Abdullah's heart, the tears that filled her eyes and ready to fall were tearing his heart into shreds but he wasn't willing to give in. His thoughts were in shambles, he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his wife would sleep with another man just right under his nose. 

"What is there to explain? The pictures showed that you did, and just now you confirmed it yourself that you slept with another man and you still want me to believe you? I'm not crazy Kulthum!" 

"Darling please…" 

"Don't!… don't call me that. Who is he?" He asked 

"Dr Neil" she said. "I really don't have any relationship with him I'm not lying to you. My only relationship with him is professional and nothing more after that" with her body slumped onto the ground like a sack of rotten tomatoes, Abdullah's hands arched to be with her, to wrap his arms around her protectively just like he did before all this happened but he couldn't. Not after all the proof shoved into his face. 

"Leave" he simply said looking at her. With a confused look plastered on her face, she asked


"Didn't you hear what I said? I said get… out!" He whispered. Kulthum, astonished by his sudden rejection, stood rooted to the ground staring at him incredulously. 

"Abdullah please let me explain, all this is just a misunderstanding please. Don't chase me away from you i wont be able to cooperate" as she said that, Abdullah chuckled as if he had heard the most hilarious joke ever

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon