If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 43

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This chapter is dedicated to all my readers and followers, thank you so much guys love ya! Enough of my talking, here is the chapter please enjoyyyyyy!

After the everlasting good bye was finally over, the duo hit the road in a comfortable silence drowned by their thoughts it felt like no one was in the car but breathing shadows and the erratic beating of their hearts. By the time they arrived at their destination, fatigue has already consumed them and the only thing they wanted that moment was to lay their heads on a soft pillow and drift into a deep slumber but they had to go greet the king and queen.

"Khulthum!" Her mother in-law called as soon as she entered the chamber, she thought that Abdullah wouldn't be able to convince her to come back home but he had proved her wrong and for that she felt so relieved.

"Mother" Khulthum sighed hugging her tightly. She had longed for her mother's embrace and at last she had been granted her wish. "I have missed you so much even though it was just two days" she mumbled quietly pulling away.

"I have missed you too dear, how are you feeling now? I was so worried about you! Why didn't you tell me that you had problems with your husband? I could've done something about it but no instead, you took it upon yourself to bottle up your feelings and when you couldn't take it in anymore you fainted. Do you know how worried I was? Don't you consider me as your mother anymore khulthum?" She asked furrowing her brows even though she was angry at her she still could pour it all out on her because she knows it was not only her fault but her son's also so she kept her cool a little but still scolded her to feel at peace.

"Mother? How can you say that? Off course I do consider you to be my mother I just didn't want you to worry to much about me I am sorry, please forgive! I won't do it again I promise" she smiled hugging her again. "I won't worry you much again okay". She apologized. She had never assumed that a mother inlaw would care so much for her son's wife she thought they only existed in books not in reality so for her to get a mother inlaw like her is a dream come true and she was truly grateful for that.

"Don't I deserve a hug also?" Came Abdullah's muffled voice from behind. "If you keep going this way, I bet I would lose my wife to you mother" he complained smiling while they laughed

"Hold her tight then if not, I will come for her" she remarked pulling him in for a hug also. Khulthum shifted a bit granting him some room and was about to leave when he placed his hand around her hindering her from moving without saying a word. Soon his father came in walking in like the king he is with a heavy frown painting his face gifting his son a harsh glare.

"I see you have proven me wrong once again young prince" he stated lowering his gaze on khulthum and smiling a bit at her

"Come on dear" he gestured toward her opening his arms wide for her. She carefully made her way to him lowering her gaze to the ground and hugging him gently. To say she was surprised would actually sound like a lie for she had never been this close to him so for him to pull her into his fatherly embrace was something unforeseen to her. "How are you feeling dear? Are you still in pain?" He asked pushing himself away from her and staring at her face calmly. She shook her head negatively stepping away from him than after a short while, they left the royalties alone and headed to their rooms to get some rest but since she was off salat, she just took her bath and prepared herself to sleep on her normal position. The couch. She fetch some blankets and pillows then made herself comfortable and was about to close her eyes when she him speak..

"What are you doing?" He asked towering above her head which actually frightened her a little then she cocked her head to the side answering him quietly.

"I am preparing myself to sleep your highness" she mumbled adjusting her pillow well. She remembered the day he threw her to the ground telling her not to sleep on his couch just the way he was towering above her head now so she became cautious closing her eyes tightly and readying herself for anything. When she didn't hear him say anything or throw her to the ground, she looked up to see if he was still there and he was, scratching the back of his head nervously as if he was about to say something but doesn't know how too.

"Do you need something your highness?" She asked seating up he shook his head looking everywhere but her face so she wondered what was wrong with him that he felt so nervous about.

"I...I was wondering if you could come sleep on the bed there is enough space for the two of us" he completed looking elsewhere. Throughout his sentence her eyes was threatening to leave her socket by the way she was widening them. Did he just invite her to his bed? The bed he told her not to come close too let alone lay on it? Was she imagining things this days or what the hell was wrong with her?

"What?" She blurted out without thinking much. "I mean...I am okay with where I am there is no need for me to go there your highness" she answered slowly avoiding his eyes and turning around to sleep. After some time, she heard his retreating footsteps and sighed in relieve as he wasn't forcing her to sleep on the bed because that, he can do. As he went back to his bed, he mentally scolded himself for acting stupidly without thinking. What was she going to think of him now? Someone who is in a dire need of getting laid or what? He prays she wouldn't imagine anything like that because he was a monster to her six weeks ago and for him to her to lay on his bed would only mean one thing and he wasn't ready for that neither is she even a blind man can tell. He kept staring at her sleeping face for God knows how long but as it seems to him he wasn't tired at all. She looks even more beautiful when asleep so how come he didn't noticed till now? Earlier today, he remembered how his parents showed their concern about her and how she apologized to his mother for making her worry too much for not telling her her problems and not considering her her mother which his mother thought so. 'Hah! Typical mum' he thought. He also remembered the shy and surprised face she had on while his father took her into his embrace something he had never done to him before not that he was ever interested or anything he just doesn't care about him. Even though she hates him, she still loves and respects his parents not because of him but because she wants too and for that, his respect for her has increased ten folds he didn't noticed he was smiling to himself till he touched his face to soothed the burning side of his cheek and he stood up from his laying position and made his way to her sleeping form then gently gathered her in his arms and slowly placed her on the bed careful not to wake her up. She stirred in her sleep frightening him a little but didn't wake up mumbling some incoherent words and drifted back to sleep. He smiled at how light she felt in his arms wondering how a human can weigh nothing but like a weight of a feather. He pulled the blanket up to her chest then round the bed and lay on his side wondering how she will react the next morning when she sees herself on his bed. She would be so mad. He thought quietly. But, that wouldn't be a problem to him because as of tomorrow mission seeking real forgiveness starts and he was prepared for anything that comes his way if she will actually forgive him not because she had to but because she wants too. He closed his eyes with a smile on his face slowly succumbing to the fact he is falling for his little by little even thought he doesn't wants to accept the fact.

Hmmmmm!!!! 🤭🤭 is it only me? Or do I smell something like..... love in the air?❤️

Seems like our young prince is finally getting his walls pierced little by little 😉 that's nice 😊

Today is my birthday guys!! Am plus one today! Heepiee 🎂🍷🥳🥳

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If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें