Author's note ✉️⚠️

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I am very grateful to the positive reviews I have been receiving from my readers and followers I really appreciate it thank you so much 😊 It's gives me some kind of will power to continue writing this book and as promised, I will complete it Insha Allah. All the comment and votes just keep giving me a positive vibe am so happy 😃 thank you so much ☺️

The next chapter will be dedicated to all my readers who vote and comment on the book! Well... even the silent readers *winks* let them also feel among don't you all think so? 😉

Sorry 😣 guys I forgot to tell you that point of views will change between the characters. Sorry 😢!

Good bye for now, the next chapter will be published later today Insha Allah

Allah Hafeez guys, love ya!!!!!!.!

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