If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 38

537 81 14

Third person POV....

"I think it is high time I put my talent into action for I have wasted enough time and opportunities till now. Or don't you think so?" She asked as she turned to look at the person seating down beside her and munching on her apple.

"Off course mother!"she answered. "I even thought you were growing soft on him judging by your recent sudden love for him."she replied carelessly typing away on her phone.

"I don't even know your use anymore daughter?! Because you have only proven yourself useless until date. So, tell me what have you done or offered me since the day I told you of my plan?" She asked angrily. She was about to take a huge bite from her apple when she stopped mid way to look at her mother with a surprised look.

"Are you trying to blame me for lack of accuracy or better still your terrible moves to put him down? Because the last time I checked I offered you my help but you rudely declined saying you are capable of doing everything on your own" she snapped back.

"Don't forget who you are talking to" she growled.

"Take it easy mother! I am in your side. I also want him gone maybe even more than you do because, the mere existence of him makes me go crazy but I still have to pretend that I love and care about him. Do you think I do all this just to become his favorite?" She shook her head as her eyes showed how much she loathed his existence. "I am doing all this to gain his trust first, and then, I will start implementing my moves stage by stage till there is no one remaining for him to lean on then he will have to come back to me not knowing that I will be the end of him" she said with a sly smirk on her face.

"Okay let's make a plan then, I can't wait any longer" her mother said eagerly.

"Calm your horses down mother i have the perfect plan we need on my mind, you just have to seat and watch as I turn that family against each other one by one. Especially, Abdullah! He thinks he is the smartest person in earth! Well.. he is wrong" she said chewing on her apple.

"I really like the way your mind works, after all you are my daughter" her mother said happily.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, now does it?" She asked smiling at her mother.

"I assure you, it doesn't" she replied looking at her daughter and smiling.

When I arrived home, it was already past 9pm. The palace was always quiet so I sluggishly walked to my personal room to have a really hot bath since I was feeling really exhausted physically and mentally. Since I wasn't going to take a bath in Abdullah's washroom. I began to undress then I drowned myself in the mini pool bath that was always prepared here. After some few minutes of finally feeling a little bit normal, the water stared turning cold so I quickly took a bath then wore my nightie and finally went to Abdullah's chamber to retire for that night. As soon as I stepped in, a feeling of trouble overwhelmed me so I took a couple of breaths to calm myself down then walked in. Seating on the opposite couch opposite the one I do lay on, was Abdullah sipping something from a tea cup and judging but he smell it was coffee. 'Doesn't he gets tired of taking one thing everyday?' I thought. I took a minute staring at how good looking he was. This man is too good to be true. His half Italian and half Fulani personality made him so ravishing and a good feast for the eyes. His full long hair that stopped right beneath his shoulders was gelled back to reveal his black hawk shiny like eyes and a pointed cute nose that was accompanied with a heart shaped lips and a really strong jaws that was covers with a really black beard that was styled to perfection. Over all, he looked amazing even with his simple T-shirt and loose pants actually he does look great in anything he wears no wonder the maids are all so over him drooling and ogling at him whenever he passes by or speaks to one of them. Shaking my head as if to wake up from my disturbing thoughts, or maybe I was actually attracted to him? No never in this life time. I assured myself. I went towards the bed to get a good night sleep forgetting about everything else especially someone who isn't relevant at all.

"Are you done looking now?" Came his annoying voice.

"Huh?" I said surprised wondering how in the hell did he see me.

"Aren't you tired of pretending already? Aren't you tired of being someone that you are not?" He asked working towards me with his eyes analyzing me.

"When are you going to stop taunting me Abdullah?" I couldn't help but ask. "When are you going to stop hurting my feelings like you do every other night? I am fed up of this. This marriage is not caused by me! In fact I wasn't even interested in it at all so please stop treating me like a piece of garbage Abdullah! It is suffocating me already that I didn't get to choose the person I would like to spend my life with". I cried looking at him as he stood in front of me with an emoting twirling in his eyes. He stood there looking looking at me like I have made a confession that he has been waiting eagerly for me to say and I finally did. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out as some black spots started appearing before his face and the next thing I could remember was, me falling on his body.

Abdullah stood there dumbfounded as his so-called wife poured a little of her heart out to him. He had been waiting for her to say something to him but he hadn't expected her to say something like this. He couldn't fathom she would turn out saying something that he had secretly wanted to hear from her.

"It is suffocating me already that I didn't get to choose the man I would like to spend the rest of my life with!" He did felt something at her last statement, but what was it? He didn't know. He felt a pang tugging at the edge of his heart when he saw her face draining of colour as her eyes rolled back to the back of her head as she fell on him unconscious.

"Khulthum?!" His panicked voice called desperately as he shook her slightly. "Wake up please!" He said noticing the way his voice broke at the end. What was that again? He thought. Pushing that heart wrenching feeling to the back of his mind, he carried her bridal style to his bed and laid her carefully on it then went to the door and told the guard to bring in the royal family's doctor immediately. Minute later, the room was crowded with his family and siblings all on alert watching her motionless body laying still on his bed.

"She will be fine, she just passed out due to stress and anxiety. She need to rest very well because as I can see here she hadn't been doing so for the past few weeks" the doctor explained. "I will prescribe some medication for her when she wakes up please give it to her immediately." He said further.

"When is she going to wake up?" Abdullah's mother asked as she sat close to Kulthum holding her hand gently.

"She would wake up later in the day" he answered. She nodded her head tearing her eyes away from khulthum to look at Abdullah.

"Can we have the room to ourself please?" She asked everyone but him. Soon they all started dispersing leaving Abdullah and his mother anole in the room.

"Tell me the truth Abdullah what did you do to her?" The queen mother asked sour fully. He lowered his head as he had no answer to her question. Because obviously what hasn't he done to her? He maltreated her, he belittled her and accused her of many things which he shouldn't had but unfortunately he did despite his mother's warnings, he still did what he did and is still counting on doing more.

"Tell Abdullah, what have you done to this girl to render her unconscious?" She asked again shooting daggers at him. "When will you learn to love this girl? When will you learn to cherish her as your wife? When will you learn to appreciate all the things she is doing for you and your family even though she didn't wanted to get?" She asked as tears gathered in her eyes.

"Mother!" He mumbled softly walking up to her. "I didn't do anything to her I was just talking to her then she fell unconscious" he explained. And it was half the truth because he was indeed talking to her but not in a nice way and then she got tired of it and fell unconscious.

"When she wakes up she is going back to her home. To her family" his mother declared walking up to the door. "When you learn to love and cherish then she will be back but until then, she is staying with her family". And then she left leaving him to process the new information he got from his mother. He had mixed emotions about this but, the most nagging one among them was his heart. The pain he felt when his mother told his wife is leaving him as soon as she wakes up.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now