If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 55

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Pulling away from him gently, she desperately searched for air in her starving lungs and once she had enough, she mustered up the courage to lift her head and look at him with mixed feelings.

"Don't think too much and come with me" Abdullah whispered, holding her hand and leading her back to their bedroom. Once inside, he cuddled her and caressed her hair till she fell asleep and after making sure she was fast asleep, he gently crawled out of the bed and left the room.


"When is she leaving for her program?" A female voice was heard through the loudspeaker of his phone that was laying peacefully on the center table of his living room. He shrugged and answered lazily,

"I think tomorrow"

"Okay, you know what to do right?" She asked again

"Yeah, no worries. She has always been mine, he stole her from me" his glistening eyes shine more brightly under the illuminated white light in his living room making his hatred more and more intensely clear.

"Good" and before he had a chance to say another word, she hung up.

"For that, I hate you" he grumbled glaring at the phone.


"Wake up sleepy head" Abdullah's melodious voice sounded throughout the room making Kulthum moan in annoyance.

"Go away, I want to sleep some more" came her sleepy voice. She heard him chuckle and then it was quiet for some time but suddenly, she felt something soft moving down her face tickling her. She used her hand to push it away but it was already gone by the time her hand made contact with her face.

She felt it again for the second time and repeated her action but the same time happened. With a closed eye, she could already figure out what it was but she was too lazy to get up and shove it away.

Seeing this, Abdullah smiled and continued to use the white soft feather to caress her beautiful face knowing full well that he was disrupting her sleep.

"Darling, please let me sleep some more," she practically begged. "I have to stay sane if I want to make a good impression by the time we start the conference meeting..." She trailed off opening her eyes wide as if remembering she had something of great importance to do which she did have.

Seeing her reaction, Abdullah chuckled and then asked with a knowing look,

"What is it?"

She gazed at him then sprung up from the bed and ran into the bathroom by the time she came out, her clothes and everything we all arranged for her and she couldn't be more thankful. She always wonders why she tends to forget things on the most important days of her life. The first time was when she was about to graduate from med school,

She slept her ass off the night before and almost missed the graduation however, she didn't because her mother and Alia were there to help her through everything and anything till she got ready even after getting to the venue, she collected her prize as the best student of the year and attempted to walk back to her seat but her heels broke and she almost fell off the stage.

However, Neil was just there in time and he caught her before she could embarrass herself and lose her hard-earned reputation.

The second time was her inauguration, as usual, she slept off and didn't make it on time so they had to shift it to the next day, and even at that, she arrived late and the scissors were nowhere to be found so they had to compromise and use sharp razors. Was she deeply jinxed or was it just fate toying with her? As embarrassing as it sounded, the reporters present had no idea it was a sharp razor instead of scissors and clicked amazing pictures for the whole day.

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