If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 39

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Seating on his bed was his hand placed on his forehead in a very awkward manner. Thinking of her was what he never thought he would do in a very long time but now here he was, thinking of her unconscious state and teary eyes. It has been two days since she had left but he wasn't able to get back to normal instead, he stood up abruptly and dashed to the kings chamber to have a word with him. As soon as he arrived the guards greeted him but didn't make way for him to enter.

"Out of my way now" he growled with bloodshot eyes his hair being very disheveled and not so nice looking.

"Pardon me your highness, but I can't let you in for I have orders to do otherwise by the king." The guard said looking at him in the eye. What the fucking hell? If he was fuming with rage earlier now he was erupting like an active volcano ready to burn everything on his path.

"Out of my way right now" he said again. At any moment from now he could beat the leaving daylight out of them but he decided otherwise for this is what his father wanted from him and he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing him lose his sanity for just a mere woman whom he loathe the most. But why was he here if he insists that he hates her with passion? Was he just wasting his time picking up a fight with his father? Lord how confused he felt right now.

"What is happening here?" Came the kings voice before the doors went wide open showing his gracious presence to them. With a satisfied smile on his face he stared at his son whom looked like a dunk staring back at him.

"Why the hell did you allow that to happen? Who gave you the audacity to give my wife holiday?" He asked immediately not giving the king any chance to say something to him. He was so angry he couldn't control his temper as the more he stared at his father's face the more angrier he grew.

"Get the hell out of here now!" He spat at the guards as they wasted no time in vanishing.

"What is the meaning of this young prince? Have you perhaps lost your manners?" He asked nonchalantly stepping back into his room majestically with Abdullah right at his tail like a lost puppy only that this one was an angry human.

"Why did you ordered mother to take my wife away? If you don't have a good enough reason whatsoever then consider yourself a crazy arrogant inhumane person that you already are. Just tell me why the hell did you do it already?" He asked as the king found himself a comfortable spot on his couch to seat on. Without giving him an answer, he continued to stare at him like he's lost his mind waiting for him to calm down whilst sipping his wine.

"Have a seat son, we have a lot to discuss" came his simple reply. He knew his last sentence would irk something in him but nonetheless he still said it. There was nothing he could do to him. Absolutely nothing.

"I am not here to have a seat with you, I am here to collect answers to my questions and you have to give it to me". He stated his eyes ready to bulge out of their sockets.

"Hmmm!" The king heaved a sarcastic sigh looking at him calculatingly.

"Ask away son, you might not have the change to that later" he said sipping from his wine. (The author: it is a non alcoholic wine don't get confused)

"What do you mean by that?" Abdullah asked still standing by the couch he was offered to.

"Don't worry about that, in fact, forget I said something like that." The king said confusing him the more he shrugged the thought out of his head and asked the question he has been wanting to ask him.

"Where is my wife father? Why did you let them take her away when you know she is not feeling well? How can you be so selfish?" He asked rounding the couch and seating on it. The thought of losing her forever somehow brought goosebumps onto his skin. Really? He never thought so.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now