If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 35

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As promised, this chappy is dedicated to @hanaTahir1

I still couldn't rap my head around the information I just got from my mother Inlaw few hours ago. When she was done with the 'going back to his room thing', she left five minutes later after dropping the bombshell on me. And I was left to not think it over but just to agree with it wether I like it or not. Such fun.

"Your highness, the prince is here to see you". What? Why? Is he here to threaten me again or is he here make me feel helpless and so insecure? I hate this kind of feeling I get when I hear his name being uttered by anyone in this palace. Before I could answer, the door flew open and in came the noble prince of Daura. Such manners. He strode into the room and stood just inches away from the couch where I was already seated on but didn't bother to turn around and acknowledge his presence. He came and stood just in front me forcing me to notice him. I raised my head to stare at him waiting for him to say something but obviously I wouldn't.

"Such an overwhelming welcome" he said sarcastically plopping himself on the other couch just opposite to mine.

"Wa alaikumusalam" I said instead.

"Oh excuse my poor behavior now would you?" He said with a mocking hurt voice.

"Why are you here?" I asked instead. Still avoiding to look at him.

"Well, I came to spend time with my unwanted wife you see" he said nonchalantly. I had to look at him to see if he was doing okay with all what he was saying to me but what I saw made me feel stupid to even think about it in the first place. He was typing away on his phone not even bothering to care how he was making me feel right now.

"Do have emotions within you?" I couldn't help but ask. At this he raised this head to look at me calculatedly before replying.

"Don't tell me you have fallen for me already?" He asked surprised and I wanted to through my head back and laugh my hearts out.

"Not even in your worst nightmare!" I remarked.

"Well good for me it won't be too hard for me to get rid of knowing you don't have any feelings for me" he smiled as he abruptly stood up making to shrink back in my seat and went to the door before saying "don't even think for one that I might like you even for a single minute because that won't even happen even in the next life". The he shot the door.

"What the hell?" I said out loud trying my best to reassure myself that I won't have a single drop of mixed emotions for him. But, unfortunately my subconscious refuse to accept that. Now that I am being forced by mother to go sleep in the same room as him, I don't even think for a moment that I can start to like him or even move the the second level of loving him. Am so confused I don't even know what to do now. My phone ringing was what brought me out of me reverie.

"Sallam" I said as I picked up the call.

"Oh my... I missed this voice so much that I can't do anything thing to bring it back to my side." Alia said cheerfully.

"Oh dear I missed you so much you can't even imagine it". We spoke for a few more hours telling each other what has been going on in our life for a long time now then ended the calls as it was time for me to pray isha sallah and go back to my new jail room.

"What"? He shouted surprise and angry you can say. "Why would you do that mother?"

"Because I want you guys to sort out your differences. As of now, she only knows your name which is..."

"Good I presume" he said cutting her off.

"Which is not a good enough sign to work out your marriage" she said glaring at him.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now