If I Can Hate You,Why Can't You? Chp 71

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"It's alright baby, I'm here now" Abdullah caressed her back gently. He led them to the couch and placed her on his lap wiping her wet face.

"I really didn't mean to keep him a secret, it all happened in the past and since before our marriage, we lost contact and hadn't seen each other since then. When I saw him, was after our marriage and he came as a doctor not as my boyfriend I promise" she cried

"I didn't do anything with him I swear. All those pictures were fabricated, I didn't cheat on you" she sniffed. As she wiped her face, she casted her gaze down avoiding his eyes.

"Hey look at me" he whispered, she shook her head negatively wiping the stubborn tear that rolled down her cheek. " Look at me Kulthum" he said again pulling her chin up forcing her to look at him. "I know you didn't do anything with him, to be sincere, I wasn't really angry with you but at myself. I was mad at myself for believing the pictures, and for chasing you away I didn't know how to start confronting you because of how guilty I felt. If anyone is to apologize, it should be me because I acted irrationally about the whole thing. I'm sorry. And about leaving your job, how could you even think of doing that?"

She looked up at him speechless, she wasn't expecting that from him. He felt guilty? So he knew since the beginning that she was innocent yet he acted the way he did? Why?

"You knew since the beginning that I innocent?" She asked

"Mmhm, I knew. To be honest with you, I was angry at the person who took the photos and sent it to me. I knew you could nerver do something like that so believing it at first was the mistake I made and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you"

"You spent a week without me Abdullah, didn't you miss me at all?"

"Miss you?" He asked cocking his brows at her. "I yearned for you each second that passed by. I missed everything about you. I was miserable without you. I couldn't sleep on my own. I always come to you at night whenever I can't sleep and leave before the sun rises to show you how much I got so used to you. You are my everything and when you left, I became nothing." At this point their lips were only an inch from making contact. As they stared at each other's eyes and not saying anything, it felt as though the world had become stagnant and they were the only ones in it.

Abdullah as anxious as he was to say what was in his mind became distracted by a sudden knock on his door pulling them away abruptly.

"Come in" he cleared his throat and Kulthum immediately stood from his lap and sat beside him with a flushed face and beating heart. She clearly knew what he was about to say and anxiously waited for him to say so but that person chose the perfect moment to ruin it for her. She mentally sighed angrily frowning her face gently.

"Your royal highness, sorry for the disturbance but your attention is needed out here" Mustapha said casting his gaze low.

"Is it important?" Kulthum asked

"Yes my lady, it is" she looked to Abdullah pleading with her eyes for him to say with her a little longer but he assured her that he would be back soon. He kissed her forehead and headed out leaving her staring at his back. She sighed and entered the washroom to shower and when she was done, she called Alia. She noticed that since they came back, they haven't spoken and she just realized that she had missed her so much.

After the call with her, she laid on the bed waiting for her hubby and a crazy thought jumped into her head while a devilish smile appeared on her face. She carried her phone and was playing games on it but the moment she heard his steady footsteps, she pretended she was asleep and tossed her phone on the nightstand.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now