If i can hate you,why can't you? Chp 16

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"Subhanallah!!" We three said in unison.

"You witch komain maitanshin ki bazaki kawoshi kusada yaro nabah! (No matter how much of a witch you are you won't dare come close to my son!)" the woman of earlier said to Salmah.

"Anty Hauwa it is not like that and nor am I the one trying to kill your son he meet with an accident and the police brought him here that's all that happened and all that I know!" Salmah tried to explain to the woman she called 'Anty Hauwa'.

"Ohhh! So now you are trying to put the blame on the police right? I have warned you time without number to stay away from my son, but no you must complete your unfinished business by killing him that is when you leave him alone right?" She said pointing an accusing finger at her. Salmah couldn't say a thing but kept crying innocently.

"Just stop shedding your crocodile tears for me because it won't work at all. And let me give you my last warning. I don't want to see you anywhere close to my son ever, not even in his ward talkless of his home if not, you will regret ever knowing me or my son! You are warned." She gave her a death glare and went out of the hospital fuming. I told everyone to leave and get back to work and dragged Salmah to my cabin a soon as we entered she broke down completely seating behind the closed door.

"Your tears won't stop her from doing what she wants to do you know that right?" I said going closer to her.

"But chief what am I supposed to do?she was and will still be against our relationship with her son Ammar I really don't know what her problem is! Every time I go to their home to meet my friend she always calls me names this is just a small scene that you've seen today. And I have never been embarrassed in my life like this.... I... I mean we both love each other his father has agreed and the rest of the family but she is the only one against it if not we could have gotten engaged last month". She said sobbing uncontrollably.

"Okay okay! So now stop crying and wipe your tears off then get off the floor or do you find it comfortable seating there?" I asked feeling pity for her. She stood up from the floor and dusted her body off while I handed her the tissue box.

"Thank you ma'am!" She said as she wiped her tears off. I stared at her for a little while wondering what she had done that the woman would call her such names every time they meet I came back to reality and watched her still wiping her new fresh set of tears and I almost helped her in crying because of how innocent and in love she is. But what is her fault in that? Is it a crime to fall in love? I wondered.

"Do you want to see him now?" I asked just to ease her pain a little. She stared at me in shock before she answered eagerly.

"Yes...yes.... yes ma'am can I really do that can I see him now?" She asked as tears rolled down her cheek.

"Yes but only if you stop crying you don't want to see him that like do you?" She nodded her head negatively.

"Okay wipe off what remains of your tears then come with me". She finished cleaning her face off then Alia and brother spoke from behind me.

"Frendy have you noticed that someone has forgotten about us totally it is as if we don't exist in this room anymore!!" Sweet brother said calling Alia with the name he uses to call her with.

"You are absolutely right frendy you know what happened earlier today she told me that I cannot be her friend anymore since I can't keep her company her new friend and best friend is the gorgeous girl standing right in front of us is 'Salmah'!"  She exaggerated.

"Okay okay I am sorry I totally forgot about you two that's why but if you want to accompany us you are free to come. let's all go check on him. On our way to Ammar's Ward we were chatting and laughing about irrelevant things just to lighten Salmah's mood but it all went In vain because it even appeared to me that her mind wasn't even together with us.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now