If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 42

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The shiny rays of the beautiful sun spilled from the hands of the daylight, seeping into the shimmering calm living room. Accompanied by a thin sheen of dryness hovering over them, the dreamlike scenery was almost like a painting.

Amidst that calmness sat a young man in his seat close enough to his wife with their hands unknowingly submerged even though his heart was beating erratically, he couldn't show how anxious he felt but to keep his cool.

"Father...I...I have forgiven him even long before he came to apologize to me, I don't see any reason why I should still hang unto the past where by the person whom had missed his way just a little has realized his mistake already I knew that it would just be a matter of time before he comes after me and just as I presumed, it happened so why should I punish him for what he has already apologized for? I see no reason for that." She completed smiling at everyone. She really felt relieved as she decided to let go of the past and start her life anew however that was what she had always wished for since the day she got married. She turned to look at him noticing how his face was about to explode with happiness but maintain his composure nicely. 'Not bad mister monster' she thought winking at him his face twisted into one of confusion before it broke into a big smile.  She leaned in and whispered into his ears

"Do you have any idea of how good looking you are when you smile? You should be doing that more often" she complemented withdrawing from him slowly.

"That is a very good thought princess I am so proud of you" her father said hugging her to his bosom sweetly.

"I am your daughter after all" she remarked eyes full with tears. They all praised her whilst giving Abdullah a hectic life threatening warning by non other than Khadijah and Alia off course.

"The very next time I see a single drop of tears in her eyes," she started pointing toward khulthum "I will most certainly forget who you are and inject you with the world most deadliest poison in the world! Do you understand? I am no softy like her" she threatened glaring at him.

"You certainly are not" Abdullah mumbled enough for her to grasped.

"What did you just say?" Alia exclaimed pouting her lips and walking dangerously close to him but keeping in mind a great amount of distant between them. He placed his hand on his head nervously rubbing it because as of now Alia is just a second from attacking him.

"Okay alee that is enough now why not we go and prepare dinner for everyone hmm?" Khulthum suggested grabbing Alia's hand and dragging her down to the kitchen. They all sat down chatting happily as if nothing has happened between the duo but he was as happy as a little boy who got candy from his mother after being scolded. He can't wait for the two of them to be finally alone. He never attended any of his family functions or family dinner he thinks it is old fashioned so he never paid attention to any of them but here he was now, wishing he had attended at least one then maybe he would know how to react to anyone who teases the other. He sat there in the living room eager to leave the place because he felt so uncomfortable being around the people who are just the opposite of what he is. Jovial, welcoming, friendly and just....normal. He wished he was like that for once in his life maybe he wouldn't be feared or even hated by the people who leave and and work around him since his childhood up until now. He was most definitely happy when Alia announced that the dinner was served and they all went to eat together he knew that after the dinner he would return back to his palace not alone but together with his wife. 'Wife!' The word felt so unfamiliar and strange in his mouth however, he would get used to it now that he hopes everything would go smoothly. Throughout the dinner, Alia had been throwing threatening glares his way but he pretended not to noticed and ignored her which made her huff when she got no response from him whatsoever and asked..

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ