If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 70

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This chapter is dedicated to X_harleyymarhh thanks for the encouragement and love you've shown me, I really appreciate. This chappy is for you. I hope you like it! 😍

Well here it is 👇

A week had flown by but the couples were still not on speaking terms with each other. Though they longed for each other's embrace, their stubbornness and ego wouldn't let them reconcile even though they wanted to so badly.

The day Abdullah barged into Kulthum's room still played in her head like it happened just seconds ago and each time she remembers, tears of humiliation and embarrassment will roll down her face without her knowing. Today as she sat in her office going through her patients charts, her mind wandered to the day she had a huge argument with Abdullah because he wouldn't let her perform a surgery and because of that, a junior surgeon who was present at the hospital that day was sued to court because as they said, he killed the patient knowing fully well that he was inexperienced in that field.

"I will not allow you to boss me around any longer, your royal highness, because of you, I lost a patient. Because of you, a family lost a loved one and I really hope that you understand the fact that his blood is on your hands" Kulthum spat angrily.

"His blood is on my hands you say?" He dangerously came close to her.

"Yes," she answered, standing her ground. "It is all your fault. If you had just let me go that unfortunate day, that man would have stood a chance of surviving and the other won't be behind bars right now. You have a problem with me, why did you include an innocent soul?"

"Watch what you say or else.." She chuckled nervously

"Or else what? Huh? Will you hit me? Or will you ground me again? Oh wait... will you tell the whole world that I am a whore? What will you do? I'm curious" she glared at him.

"Kulthum;" he started, "you are crossing the line here. I dont want to argue with you, I'm tired. Seeing you only makes me more and more angry and I don't want to lose my cool because of you. Just leave my sight"

"If you see me leaving your sight, just know that I am making my way to the hospital and there is nothing you can do to stop me"

"You wouldn't dare!" He threatened

"Watch me" she snarled, then she walked past him hitting his shoulder and aiming for the door. However, before she could open it, a hand aggressively yanked her back and she lost her balance but he caught her before she could hit the floor. Wrapping her arms around his neck while his hands were on her waist brought back some flushed memories she had so wanted to forget but no matter how much she tried, she always fails and today was the limit. As they stared at each other's eyes letting all the emotion they felt right that moment out, they didn't want to separate but they had to. It felt as if they were obliged to let go of each other and continue their argument which was in fact, baseless.

"What is wrong with you?" Kulthum asked as soon as she was able to feel her balance again. "No matter what you do or say, I must have my way today. So go ahead and do whatever you wish, I don't give a damn about you just like you don't about me" she spat staring right into his dark eyes.

"Kulthum.." he whispered, as if he was in pain. He called her name as if he was begging her to stay put but she wouldn't listen. The moment he held her in his arms, it felt strange yet so familiar but he couldn't deny the fact that he missed her. He wanted to be by her side all day long, he wanted to embrace her like he did before, he wanted to press his firm lips on her forehead and try to relax her tensed muscles but he restrained himself. He wasn't willing to give in just yet.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now