If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 74

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They left the venue laughing together at what Abdullah said and walking hand in hand. Today, they decided to take a walk to their quarters even though the palace hall was extremely far from their humble abode. The guards were talking closely behind them but there was a generous amount of space between them.

"Babe" Abdullah called, playing with her fingers.


"What substance would you recommend to drug someone?" She cocked her head to the side, raising a brow at him.

"You want to drug someone?" She asked, he laughed shaking his head at her before he said,

"Of course not, babe," he released her hand and placed his arm around her lower back.

"Then why are you asking, are you planning on drugging me or something?" He smirked

"What if I am?" He stared at her straight in the eye. She gulped and a hint of fear appeared in her eyes for a moment before she looked away. "Scared?" She shook her head negatively avoiding his eyes. She tore herself away from him and walked ahead of him without looking back.

"Hey wait up! I was just pulling your legs" he laughed, which annoyed her the most. "C'mon babe I was just kidding, don't be angry" he grabbed her arm in one long stride turning her around. The events of the past few days flashed in her head and she spat with fury.

"Leave me alone Abdullah! I don't want to talk to you" she pushed him away and continued to walk, this time, she increased her pace. The guards that were murmuring behind them immediately fell silent observing the scene. Abdullah was left behind while Kulthum was meters away from fuming with anger. What just happened? They wondered.

"Your royal highness?" General Mustapha asked, looking from him to Kulthum. Oh yeah, our rigid Mustapha has finally become the general of Abdullah's guards. In other words, the leader of the guards.

"I think she's suspecting me"

"Is she? You know she's not wrong if she does, she has every right to do so. I told you to tell everything from the beginning but you said otherwise and now..." Abdullah cut him off with an angry stare. "My apologies to your royal highness" he chewed his remaining words bitterly. Abdullah walked ahead of him leaving the bowing general behind him. By the time he caught up with Kulthum, she was already a crying wreck.

"Babe?" He called softly, sitting close to her in an open garden. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, I really didn't mean any of that and am sure you know that. There must be something else going on in your mind and you are not telling me" she looked at him with anger and rolled her eyes ignoring him. "C'mon let's leave this place, it is too open for this kind of conversation" she looked around and noticed he was right and hesitated a little before she finally stood up and left.

Back in their apartment, she had already calmed down and was ready to hear him out but what he said was not really what she wanted to hear and she was sure he knew. After a while, she gave up and concluded not to pay attention to what he was saying and decided to go to sleep but before she could move an inch, he grabbed her shoulder and pressed her to his body tightly.

"Whatever you are thinking, I just wish you will trust me and believe me. I will never do anything to break your trust I promise". He said calmly

"But why were you asking me those weird questions earlier?" she sat up looking at him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know that's all. You were the one that had a very wild imagination back there, I will never do that to you" he said, kissing her forehead.

"Promise?" She put forth her pinky finger

"Yeah promise" he hugged her, crossing his fingers behind her back. "Now can I know the drug at least" he asked and she chuckled.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now