If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 44

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This chapter is dedicated to @teeguar thanks girl for being the first to vote on the previous chapter.

The next morning came by like the blink of an eye as little rays of sunlight peeked from behind the thick white curtains of Abdullah's bedroom waking up a little petite figure laying peacefully bye the edge of the bed half asleep. She stirred on the soft bed gently yawning while rubbing her eyes in the process. Looking around her environment, she realized that she wasn't sleeping in her usual position but on the restricted part of the room. His bed. 'What! How come?' She wondered scared. She turned to her right and saw the last person she least expected to lay close to her but in reality, she was the one laying so close to him with intertwined hands under the covers. She gasped and immediately sat up climbing down from the bed before he wakes up and sees her there, she could only imagine what he would think of her or even call her. 'Lord what have she done?' She was very sure she didn't walk up to his bed last night so how did she ended up on his bed this morning? Did he perhaps placed her there when she was asleep? No, not even in her wildest dream would he do that so how come? She really didn't want him to wake up and meet her there because all hell will break lose if he does, but what if he has already seen her there? Because he must definitely will wake up and offer his early morning prayer and if he didn't wake her up with a harsh scream or maybe cold water, that means he actually didn't notice her there. She heaved a sigh of relief carefully standing up from the bed and walking up to the washroom to take her bath and prepare herself for the day not forgetting her mind especially her heart who knows what will happen next? Only the great one.

When she was done, she practically cleaned the room even though there are enough maids to do the job and went to the bed to straighten the place she laid on before he wakes up.

"What are you doing?" She froze widening her eyeballs at him lamenting her situation quietly staring at his sleepy face. As she didn't answer he cocked his head to the side looking at her weirdly and repeated his question with a rather raspy sleepy voice she cleared her throat while he sat up on the bed waiting for her to answer. Lord why her?

"I am sorry your highness!" She began scared tears already threatening to spill out of her eyes. Only God know what will happen to her, now that he is walking up to her with a cold analyzing gaze. "I didn't do it on purpose I swear please believe me" she cried she had already seen how he was going to react and for that she was really frightened way beyond imagination. "I really didn't mean to sleep on your bed I don't even know how I ended up on it last night I promise it won't happen again please forgive me" she begged seating on the floor and crying her eyes out. He stood there watching her like she's lost her mind but who can blame her? No one actually so he felt pity toward her and scooted to her level embracing her carefully. When he pulled away, he had already anticipated her react so when he looked at her he wasn't so surprised at all she tried relinquishing from his hold but he didn't let go holding her securely to his chest.

"Hey hey... calm down khulthum! Don't you think it is a little bit early for tears?" He asked wiping away what remains of her tears slowly. He knew she was dumbfounded and he couldn't blame her for he has never given a damn about her in fact, the look on her face made him to almost throw up everything in his stomach. Not that there was any to begin with. Was this how careless he was with her? He pushed the disturbing thought to the back of his head and concentrated on her.

"Am sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that angel" he grabbed her face without acknowledging the fact that he just called her angel. She wiped her face sniffing softly before looking at him in the eye.

"What did you just call me?" She asked scared as if he was going to slap her face he gave her a confused look before realization down on him and he averted his gaze from her.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now