If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 28

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I woke up with someone or something splashing water on my face and with a jerk I jolted my eyes open and stare into the most scary and arrogant eyes I thought I will never see again. I quickly sat up adjusting my veil and creating so much distance between us before I hear him say...

"Who the heck are you? And tell me what the hell you are doing here?" He barked grabbing a handful of my hair as me veil betrayed me and fell of the ground.

"You are hurting me!" I panicked as how aggressive he have become.

"Oh really? Am I really doing that?" He responded feigning hurt as he tightened his hold on me hair making me yelp in pain.

"Why are you here?" He repeated his question glaring at me. "Tell me or I will make you suffer. Are you here for a mission? Or a gold digger? Who sent you woman?"

"No one... I mean  I don't even know..." she was cut off by his voice snapping at her.

"Do you take me for a fool? How did you end up here in my quarters?" 'Quarters? What does he mean by that? Or maybe I am at the wrong place or...' I was thinking when he snapped me out of it. "And that too in my main chamber as my bride?" He hissed. "You passed through all that tight security and dodged all the security cameras and ended up in all places but here? As bride just to get to me!  And you want me to believe that you are not a gold digger?" He grumbled darkly. I wanted to talk but he tightened his fists in my head making me almost scream as the pins in my head were digging into my scalp.  "You were not the girl I was supposed to come and see here as my bride" he said as if the bride was a terrible word. "Then tell me, who brought you here to come and pose as my bride? Where is the real one?" This time I think he got more furious as I was not saying anything because now he shoved me to the wall holding me in place with his fingers around my head.

"Ple...ase... let ..me down" I managed to choke out but he just tightened his hold around my neck knocking all air out of my lungs. I wanted to scream, I wanted to kick but I couldn't. He was to strong for me to even to blink an eye so he shoved me to the floor hitting my head in the process not until I felt something warm cascaded down my face..... it was a crimson red liquid that flowed down my forehead freely..... blood!
I raised my head up, and panic struck me as he made his way towards me. I quickly reached for something by grabbing the nearest thing my hand can feel and struck his head with it. He staggered back due to the flower vase breaking on his head.

"What the hell have you done?" He yelled blocking the siping place with his hand with a crazy look in his eyes.

"You deserve it!" I spat as anger and terror flashed through my face. 'What the hell have I done?' I asked myself.

"You must pay for what you did" he groaned shooting daggers at me. I quickly stood up and ran out of the room and entered another far away from his and locked it behind me. Resting my back on it, I was breathing heavily and slowly slumped down to the ground. ' this was not how I pictured my wedding day and night to be!' She broke down again thinking I had gone wrong somewhere and Allah is just punishing me for my crime.

"You are such a worthless person I can't even imagine it! It is even my fault that I chose someone like you to do this job worthless ingrate" she screamed venom dripping from her voice.

"You need to calm down ma'am! You didn't hire me to insult me did you?" He asked in return tired of all her insults.

"Are you now questioning me?" She asked disbelieved

"You may phases it that way but, I am sure that it is not my fault he is still alive up till date. But I assure you, if you don't take things easily you might find yourself in position suitable to his" the man threatened.

"Are you now threatening me?" She asked surprised.

"That is if you don't remain calm and compose yourself, then am afraid I will have to disclose all this evil deeds of yours" he mumbled almost yelling.

"Good for you and I dare you to do so, I assure you, you will be dead before the next morning and someone finds your corpse by your door step. So now do my job or else your pretty little life will be the downfall of your family" she hissed.
"What does he thinks of himself?" She fumed. Kicking the dressing mirror face red with anger.

I locked myself far away from the mister I imagined I married. Hours earlier, I was slightly frightened by the fact that my parent would shove my into Aliyu's arms and forgot about me! But to my absolute surprise I was neither shoved into the ages I was scared of embracing nor did I get married to him. Instead here I was crumbled into a ball on a cold floor in an unknown place where no one know me and me neither.

"Subhanallah!" I shrieked as I heard his foot steps close to the room I was hiding in.

"There is no way for you to hide yourself from my reach because I t is just a waist of time. You are being so stupid to even think that, this is my quarters not yours. You would be a big fool which off course your are already to think you can hide from me reach. I... am... going to find you!" I heard him say the last part like poison poured into my throat. I kept quite not wanting to draw the tiniest bit of attention then stood up and quickly tiptoed and entered through the other door facing the one I was in. Immediately I entered I bumped into him and screamed as if I was face to face with a serial killer.

"Oh my God!" I gasped. But he just kept staring at me with those cold dead eyes of his.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I asked as tears blurred my vision. "What? On the first day of my marriage you injured me, you are not the demon I was supposed to marry! Then tell me why on earth did you married. What it to prove your superiority? Was it to exact revenge on me for breaking your ego? What it because I stood up against you that you wanted to show me my place? Or was it because you bumped into my car and I broke you from within? Why? Why did you do this to me why?" I asked remembering all our bad encounters with him. Realization down on me and my eyes widen in fear, "did you married me to make my life a living hell? Or if possible kidnapped me?" I asked with all kinds of adrenaline flowing throughout my body.

"If you are done blabbering nonsense, then keep your dirty mouth shut!" He fumed as if tired of listening to my voice.

"Please!" I begged  "please tell me. I need to get to my real husband please let me go I need to marry him. Why did you kidnapped me and forcefully married me without my consent why? Why did you do this to me? Why?" I slumped to the floor and the tears finally swam down my face. After a short while of me crying, I cleared my face then stood up giving him the hardest glare I could muster and said, "I will never forgive you for this favor of yours never!" I spat "you the spoilt arrogant brat I saw the other day at the hospital, you will never leave to forget me! Even after your death you will still be scared of me. I promise you that I will return this favor of yours in a more reasonable and respectful manner!" I said. Every word coming out of my mouth, was dripping with hatred and determination. I saw the door that I was earlier kept in before all the chaos happened and decided to enter the one that was at the west wing of the building.

Abdullah wanted to go after her but something was stopping his limbs not to move. Was it because of her tears? Or the way she stood up against him? Or maybe he was just taken aback by the hole turn of event? He didn't know but one things for sure was that he wouldn't let her go squat free. Throughout his entire life, no woman except his mother have ever stood up to him and now this good for nothing soul dared to call him 'an arrogant spoilt brat?' That was enough to infuriate him. And for that he made up his mind to give and show her what he was capable of doing to people who opposes him and dare to stand in his way just like she did. He went to his room fuming with anger, his guards noticed that his face was red and immediately new something was off with him but still kept on following behind him quietly till he entered his room and they closed it behind him. He made is way to the washroom and made wudu to quench his anger then prayed two raka'at to keep his anger in check then went to sleep after so much debate with himself.


Nothing to say! I am just....... 😕😕😕😕
Well, how was the chappy? If you like it comment let me know what you think and if you don't then just vote and everything will be okay!

Allah Hafeez bye. Till next update.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now