If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 80

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"Finally Alia has gotten married but you haven't made any move yet, what the hell is wrong with you Neil! I thought you were supposed to make a blast?" Hanifah quoted the last part with her fingers. As frustrated as she was about things not going the way she wanted them to go, Neil was just sitting around and doing nothing. But that wasn't her problem, what disturbed her more was the fact that she has no slight idea of the whereabouts of her targets and she has no means of finding out without getting herself exposed.

"Relax Hanifah, you worry too much. What I'm really worried about is the guy that calls me and give me orders like he owns me or something" Hanifah gave him a look,

"What do you mean?"

"Well there's this guy whom I know nothing about and the more I try to find out who he is the more vague he becomes. And the most surprising thing is that he knows exactly what I'm planning and how I'm going to execute it. Fuck! He even knows who the hell I am. So it got me thinking, there's no one else who knows a thing about this if not you..."

"Woah woah! Hold it right there teaser, you don't doubt me do you?" Hanifah adjusted her seating position. Currently she was in Neil's home and to her surprise, it was exquisite in its own way, so muscular. She thought, but beautiful.

"Not that I'm saying so, but it feels so, are you trying to mess with me Hanifah?"

"Damn it Neil? What the hell has gotten into you?" She snapped, why the hell would he doubt her? "If I had wanted to double cross you, I would have done so since and you won't even be alive right now..." she was cut off by his sudden move.

"Look princess," he started angrily. "Stop seeing yourself as some sort of boss lady with all the power in the world, because without that damn royal blood running through your fucking veins, you are nothing but a mere girl with a twisted mind. So if I have the slightest idea that you are behind whatever the hell is going on, I promise you won't be breathing anymore!" He threatened, she gulped, slumping back into her chair with frightened eyes. She has never seen him that way since they collaborated together. If he threatened her now, she knew he would go to any extent to uncover the truth about that person. Moreover, he was Neil, the psychopath with an obsession over a married woman. She had to be very careful now, and she also had to find out about the guy he was talking about.

"I'm not the one okay?!" Her frightened voice almost whispered. Goddamn it, she was scared as hell. Never in her wildest dream had she ever thought she would be scared of this guy but today?....

"You better not be," he mumbled, moving away from her. "You better not be," he said again, sitting in his previous position.

"I'm disappointed in you Neil" Hanifah voiced sympathetically. "I thought we were on the same page but apparently we aren't but what is more interesting is the fact that you are doubting me without any solid evidence"

"I know you Hanifah, I'm not a child. You leave no clue behind whatever you do, you do it meticulously so I have no choice but to suspect you". Neil said smiling, "look I just wanted to clear something okay? No hard feelings" he winked at her. She rolled her eyes clearly not comfortable any more and decided to leave. She stood up and was about to leave when she him,

"Don't be like that princess, c'mon let bygones be bygones okay?" He chuckled while walking up to her.

"I'm leaving Neil, excuse me" she walked past him to the door however before she could open it, he grabbed her hand.

"Look I'm sorry okay, I thought you were the one messing with me so I just wanted to clear it up and make sure you are sinless, no harm done I promise" he assured her giving her his million dollar smile which he knew she couldn't resist.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now