If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 58

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"No I don't want this one" Kulthum whined, showing Abdullah her closet full with clothes. She was getting ready for the ball and they were almost running late, however, Kulthum hadn't gotten dressed. 

"What are you waiting for Kulthum?" She heard Alia's impatient voice call. She stared at Abdullah with pleading eyes but he couldn't careless instead, he was working on his computer. 

"I am talking to you darling, are you not hearing me?" Kulthum became frustrated. He turned and looked at her then said, 

"Just give me five minutes okay, please love just five minutes."  Kulthum frowned her face looking at him as if he had grown five heads and rolled her eyes. 

"I am being serious here and you are just making fun of me?" Suddenly they heard the door bell and Alia immediately answered since she was sitting in the living room. 

"Who is that Alia?" Kulthum asked shoving her head deep into the wardrope searching for what to wear. 

"Room service he brought a few packages," Alia said walking into the room. "Hey best friend's husband" she greeted, waving at him. He nodded his head smiling at her fondly before he said,

"Open it and see" and Alia did as she was told. She kept the bags she was holding and opened the first bag in her front. It contained a dress and she pulled it out gazing at it in awe. It was a black glistering ball gown, tight from the waist up and loose from the waist down. The neckline down to the wrist was adorned with sparkling diamonds while the floral part of the gown was lace with a beautiful silver embroidery. She checked the bag again and found matching silver net gloves that were also sparkling with glisters. 

"Wow!" They both said in unison. "This outfit is just… mind blowing. Check the remaining bags, let's see what they also contain" Kulthum said, staring at the beautiful gown in front of her. As Alia pulled out the next outfit, they were all dumbfounded. It was a fitted crimson red ball gown that was designed with sparkling diamonds from top to bottom. The arm, unlike the black glistering ball gown, was long and almost touching the ground and was separated in two halves making a beautiful slit. At the bottom of the slit, were tiny pearls beautifully arranged to capture your attention at first glance while the neckline was adorned with a transparent red net making it look like a turtleneck.  

The two outfits were breathtakingly gorgeous so it would really be hard for someone to choose. 

"Do you like them?" Abdullah asked. Both heads turned towards his direction looking at him dazed. 

"Like? We love it, but we didn't order for anything so how come?" Kulthum reasoned 

"I did, they came earlier than I thought they would. Now without asking any more questions, I want you to get dressed and get going, don't be late okay? The red one is for sister- inlaw, while the black is for you love.  Oh, before I change my mind, I wasn't the one that bought it for you sister in law it was saddique" and the call got disconnected. 

"Wow! Should I be happy or jealous?" Kulthum wiggled her brows playfully. They checked the remaining bags and found matching heels. Kulthum's was sliver while Alia's was peach black. They did their hair, wrapped their veils and headed out of the apartment building. By the time they arrived, people had already begun to fill up the place and by the looks of it, they seemed to be the last to arrive. When they walked in, all heads turned their way and few had on curious looks but most of them especially the women had on envious gazes. 

Walking in with their heads held up high, most eyes was cast their way but they couldnt care less. The envious ladies though angry and jealous, they had to admit that they were looking breathtaking if not gorgeous. 

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