If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 25

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"Good morning mom!" They moaned racing to the washroom to do their wudu since they all missed their fajr salat.

"What the hell happened to us that we didn't hear our alarms going off?" Kulthum said as they finished praying and  now seating in the prayer mat.

"This is all because of you." Alia blamed Kulthum. "If you hadn't taken part in that damn surgery, we would have woken up as early as possible. And that too you had to blackmail me into helping them when we had no part in that. I bet you have forgotten what your profession is! You are a cardiologist for God's sake Kulthum not an abdominal surgeon. We work on hearts not abdomen!" Alia said fuming, Kulthum clearly know that she was at fault and whatever she say won't make any sense because Alia was actually right she shouldn't have forced her into that surgery. Now she only needs to find out how to cool her down if not she will be in for it.

"Ohh!! Bestie am so sorry but I still had some tricks right under my sleeve so I helped them. Do you see any fault in that?" She asked politically. "More over the two surgeons that were supposed to be present fell sick at the die minute, so we played the heroin!" She continued.

"Alright enough of this Ali Baba story and go shower because today is your day!" Alia exclaimed forgetting about her fury.
Kulthum cursed under her breath but it didn't escape Alia's hearings, so she just over looked it and acted as if she hadn't heard anything and ushered her into the washroom. After what seems like a lifetime but was likely minutes she finally came out  not dressed but with a baby pink hairy towel draped around her body exposing her beautiful slender short silky smooth skin. (I don't mean she is short short but she needs a high hill to increase her heights.) 
The door opened and there her perfect mother stood tall with a wide smile on her face but it vanish as soon as she laid her eyes on her.

"Subhanallah ummi!" She exclaimed. "What on earth is wrong with you? Why haven't you dressed up yet? And you Alia are just seating watching like a mute spectator?" She demanded.

"Well mom actually I tried talking to her but you see she told me to shut up and do my job!" Alia lied putting all the blame on Kulthum.  Kulthum shot her a look that says 'you will pay for this'. While Alia did the same as 'that was for making mom spank me so early in the morning'.

"Kulthum!!! Khadijah called. Go wear something for now before I bring in your wedding dress" she said turning around to leave before she also said, "your are already here you are the one they are all waiting for so be fast and get dressed". She said then left. She quickly got dressed and waited for Alia to come out of the washroom and her mother to come back with the professionals.

"Hey!" Alia called as she saw a sullen look in kulthum's face. "What's wrong? Hope you're not changing your mind on this?!" She lightly joked to ease the atmosphere.

"Not serious are you? Why will I? When we have come this far, there is no coming back" she said more to herself than to Alia.

"Are you telling me? Or are you reassuring yourself?" Alia asked

"Does it matter?" She replied curtly. Alia was about to say to that comment that Kulthum made but Khadijah came just in time to see the girls hugging each other more like consoling themselves.

"Emotional already? Well don't be you guys are not leaving the world but staying apart from each other that's all!" Khadijah exclaimed. "Well let's get started we are getting late for the ceremony!" She came and so were two beautiful women in their late twenties. The famous makeup artist Fareeda and Susan the hair artist were there to transform the bride into the world most beautiful bride of the year.

"Oh my God!! I can't believe I am standing right in front of the two women I wish to meet before I die!" Alia exaggerated.

"Spare me that will you?" Kulthum said void of any emotion. If it was up to her she would have called off the wedding and run away as fast and far as she can and never return. But unfortunately she can't she had to seat there and endure just for her families happiness.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now