If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 26

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"Come on mom!! I am getting married for God's sake! So please can you just put that questioning down for a little bit? Give me a break!" Zarah said clearly irritated.

"Come on Zara your wedding is in two days! And you are still in touch with that guy?" Her mother asked.

"Mom you know I have to meet him one last time just to make sure things are over between us! But I think you don't trust me anymore neither have you did. So just let me be!" Zara this time shouted.

"Have you forgotten who you are talking to? Have you lost your mind Zara?" Her mother asked gifting her a death glare.

"Mom do you always have to be so strict? I can't even move a limb!" Zara said frustrated.

"Baby why are you shouting so much? Who annoyed you?" This time her father asked.

"It is mom! She don't want me going out anymore. She said I am getting married in the next two days!" She said with a little tear.

"Really Hafsah? Is that so?" He asked his wife.

"Yes! And I really mean it. She is not stepping out of this house not until she gets married. And I dare you to try me, if you have a death wish then you can go." She threatened.

"You wouldn't force her Hafsah!" Her father defended.

"I would and I have. If not for you, she would have been a better daughter with high expectations. But you chose to see her like this just like a spoilt milk". Her  mother spat glaring at her husband and child actually only child.

"Why are you so strict towards her? Why can't you allow her for once? Let her breath please. She is leaving this house in a few days wouldn't you miss her? Hafsah let her be" Ismail said hugging his daughter.

"Like father like daughter!" Hafsah said and left fuming.

"Don't worry dear I won't allow her to ruin your stay here" he said to her while still hugging her. And she smiled achieving what she needed.

"Okay now go to your room while I calm her down okay?" She nodded and left.

"That was what I needed daddy! Go show your power" She said falling on her bed flat on her back smiling.

After the aftermath the other day, she still found her way out of the house with her father's help off course. Now and today was her marriage with the noble prince of katsina. She was so ecstatic proud of herself telling everyone around her who she was getting to. Her mother on the other hand hated it and confronted her once they were all alone.

"What do you think you are doing zarTelling  everyone who you are getting married to? Just because they were curious and just....?" She couldn't finish her sentence because of how angry she was.

"Come on mom! Just a little show off and you are trying to rip my head off it's socket?" Zara complained.

"You better stop what you are doing because it doesn't suite you. You better come back to your senses before you do something stupid and I see you at the door the very next day of your wedding!" Hafsah warned. While zarah rolled her eyes.

"You better come back to your senses zarah, it is better safe than sorry" she continued.

"Humph!" Zarah sighed as if she was tired of hearing her mother's voice. Soon their home began to full with visitors of high classes and trusted friends and families booming in and out. Soon her friends from almost all over the world showed up it is a wedding of limited people not many where invited to attend the senator's daughter's wedding.

"Hey girl?!" her friends said filling up the room with presence. "How are you feeling becoming 'her highness!'" One of them asked.

Being the spoilt child she was she said... "I am on top of the world people calling and serving me all my life? No more mom shouting no more stress no more frustration! Wow it is just wow! I can't wait to get married into that family and see how I wrap the prince around my finger". She said smiling as she brought up her index finger up to her face with an unknown glint in her eyes.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now