If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 32

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Last paragraph from the previous chapter. Cupcakes, enjoy.

"Look I don't have time for all this and FYI, I have far more important things to attend to than this one." He said coldly and disappeared from her sight. Since the day she got married into the family, he had been giving her the silent treatment which she actually don't know why or the reason behind it. She watched as his mighty frame disappeared through the door. She went back to her chamber to rest thinking he would show up later but unfortunately he didn't.

"What do you mean 'you have seen him more than twice before you guys got married? Where and when have you meet before?" Alia asked shocked.

"Yes I know I sound crazy but trust me I have seen him like three times in the hospital. Which I always accidentally bump into him, our first meeting was not very polite he was rude and arrogant, instead of him to apologize he blamed me for hitting his car where as he was the one that crashed into me..." she explained to Alia all of their terrible encounters with him. 

"Wow! And you never posses the sense to let me know even once? Kulthum? Wow so thoughtful of you. And here I am wondering the kind and sweet person I have helped to get a great friend like you!" Alia said sarcastically.

"Urghhhhh.... enough of the sarcasm Alia, what is more important here is that maybe I or married to the wrong person or something or something happened to switch my husband or maybe he kidnapped me or...." she said trying to find a good enough reason to why he married her. "I think it happened on purpose or maybe..... I can't even think straight but on thing for sure is that, I was not supposed to marry this man here. I mean he is a prince like I am not sure but he actually looks like one" she continued.

"Okay cool down now dear, and think straight maybe it happened because he wanted you to get married to him. Something like 'love at first sight' you know?" Alia said smiling to herself at her lame excuse.

Come on Alia am being serious!" Kulthum whined wiping her face with her palm.

"Look dear, what happened have already happened and there is no going back now. So you just have to adjust and brace your destiny with a smiling face and accept it wholeheartedly dear. Only God knows why he brought you guys together and not with Aliyu. You deserve better khulthum and don't worry Insha Allah everything will be alright okay?" Alia said comforting her.

"Insha Allah everything will be okay. I wouldn't have known what I will do if I didn't have a sister like friend like you Alia thank you for always being there for me" Kulthum said with tears in her eyes.

"Please come now and wipe those ugly tears off your face now would you?" Alia said as she also wiped her every own tears. They continued chatting till it was time for salat then bid each other farewell and got off of the phone.

"Oh my God! Father? Why? Why did you do that?!" Saddique asked his father shock visible on his handsome face.

"Why? As if you are not happy about it" Hafeez said nonchalantly watching the news.

"Okay even if I admit I like it, does kulthum like it? Does she like the idea of getting her groom changed at the die minute? Dad you know this is not done how could you just change her  husband without speaking to mom or myself?" Saddique continued slightly angry.

"Yes about that, it was the kings promise to marry off our children. More over he wanted uthman to marry her but seeing he was too young about it he decided to marry her off to Abdullah your friend who is more matured and sensible and also he can take care of my princess even if he does not have the slightest bit of affection towards her but don't worry son, he would in the coming future". Hafeez said reassuring him.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now