If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 30

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I couldn't imagine my marriage life would turn out to be a nightmare. He insulted me and then walked away as if nothing had happened. I was crying ever since mid afternoon till now. My buzzing phone was what brought me out of my reverie, looking at it a faint smile appeared on my lips and I quickly answered it.

"Hello salamualaikum!" I said trying to make my voice sound as cheerful as it can.

"What is this Kulthum? Only two days after your wedding and you have forgotten about me already? And wasallam". Alia complained making the tears I was holding back flow down my cheek.

"Oh I am so sorry Alia I didn't mean to ignore you I swear things are just so different here so I have to adapt to it". I defended.

"Tell me something Kulthum? Why are you crying?" She asked surprising me. 'How did she know?'

"Who said I am crying?" I asked wiping my face.

"Don't lie to me this time around Kulthum because I won't buy it. Just tell me what happened and why you are crying" she said worriedly. God Alia won't be the death of me. I wonder how she knows really well to tell if I am happy or not even if I am not close to her.

"I am waiting Kulthum tell me". She said and I couldn't hold my tears any longer and let everything out crying till my heart content. She didn't say anything but let me cry it all out letting me feel a little better when I was done, I told her everything that have happened from day one till now she didn't say anything but kept listening as I told her.

"Okay Kulthum don't worry Insha Allah everything is going to be alright okay? Just have taqwa and everything will be fine soon Insha Allah!" She assured me as I heard her sniffing.

"Why are you crying bes?" I asked

"I can't believe you hid all this from me Kulthum why? Why Kulthum? Why? Why did you not tell me this earlier am I not your sister? Even if you don't consider me one at least consider me as your friend!" She said  with a broken heart.

"I am really sorry bes! I consider you everything and you mean the world to me. I really didn't mean to hide all this from you I swear. I didn't want you to worry at all that was why I didn't tell you please belief me" I begged as new set of tears flowed down my cheek.

She sniffed before saying "do you know his name?"

"No, and I don't even want to know" I said matter of fact

"Okay but have you meet his mother yet? I mean any of his family members"

"No, why? I asked not sure where this is going.

"Okay never mind. If his mother and siblings like you then just have it in the back or front of your mind that you have nothing to worry about because as I can see he respects and follows all of his mother's request so you don't need to worry about anything." She assured. I nodded as if she could see me

"You do realize that I can't see you right? So don't nod your head silly!" She chuckled. We continued talking for a little while before she told that I have surgery that needs to be done in the next one week which made me a little happy. Actually not happy because it is not really a good thing to be happy about tearing up someone chest or abdomen just to remove or put one thing or the other.

"Okay! But do we really have to operate on the person?" I asked with a sigh

"You don't sound like yourself Kulthum? Please put all this aside and become yourself. Not just because you are married do you have to be leaving or dancing to someone else's tunes bes. You are more than that! The Kulthum I know won't allow anyone stand in her way to happiness or success. So stop sulking and be yourself once again." She said encouraging me.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now