If i can hate you,why can't you? Chp 13

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"Do you think what you are doing is right? Do you want to put your sisters life in danger?" The king asked.

"And why would you think so?" He asked very angry and tired of this topic. "By the way when is mama and the rest coming back home to attend and celebrate your victory and my unwanted wedding that you planned?" He inquired about the king's second wife, 'ZUBAIDAH'.

"Oh  Zubaidah and Suhailah you meant to say?" He asked or more correctly to intimidate him. "Meaning both your mothers?" He said to irritate him but that didn't work for him at all.

"Yeah as you say, when are they coming back?" He asked with a straight face.

"In the next two days, together with your siblings. They are coming back from school and both your parent from Singapore! So they would all meet in the airport and then come home together. So get ready to welcome them back!!" He said before leaving room.
As he left, Abdullah quickly went to his sisters quarters but unfortunately for him they were not around. He asked the guards that were guarding their rooms where they were, but they told him that they went to airport to fetch the remaining family members and would be back soon. Confused on why his father would lie to him he went back to his chamber very furious. He couldn't do a thing because he new that he was his father and cannot do a thing even before now they never get along with his father he always wonder why they could not seat for a minute without fighting or getting angry with each other but more correctly they can't stand each other. One problem with Abdullah and he knows too him self that he has anger problems and was working on it the littlest of things would make him very angry and before you know it you are already in the hospital, so beware not to cross his path dangerously, he never apologizes even if he is at fault or not he always thinks that what he does is right and anybody else is wrong. 'I AM SORRY' sounds like a disease to him so he never says it at all no matter what happens. That was the first part of him, the second part of him is that he never laughs at all even at the funniest thing would never make him smile talk more of laughing. He hates noise always calm and quite, and more importantly always punctual he never get last and hates people who are always late. 
His phone started ringing and without checking the caller he answered the call.

"And hello?!" He said annoyed.

"Woah! Calm down there Brother it's me uthman!" His step brother said. He is the king's son from the second wife 'Queen ZUBAIDAH', who also have three younger ones namely: Hanifah who is 21, and the second after uthman, Khalid 20 the third, Asma'ul husna the forth and last but not the least Uthman the eldest from his mother who is 22. And here comes 'Queen SUHAILAH' the third and maybe last to the king who also have only three children namely: Umar-Faruq the first from her place who is 19, Fareedarh  the second 17 and Humairah 14 the last but not the least born from her place and the palace.

"Salamualaikum! Abdullah!" He heard uthman say from the other end.

"Wasallam uthman! How are you?" He said dryly but was happy on hearing his brothers voice but didn't show it.

"Am good too brother how are you and everyone in the family? I heard about your wedding coming up in the next two weeks but you know what I am very angry with you, why didn't you call to tell me about the important and happy occasion?" He said feigning hurt.

"You can't blame me for not telling you uthman, I was busy with something else like concentrating on my contract! Are you home yet?" He asked instead.

"I am on my way now almost there! Or is it that you can't wait to see me?" He teased.

"Shut up uthman! Are you together with Khalid and faruq?".

"Yeah! All the family are here with me,  just wait for us to come back and then we can have all the time to spend with our beloved brother, Abdullah!". He said. "Bye take care till we come!!" Then the call ended.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now