If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 73

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She gulped at his question avoiding his eyes,

"I..I thought you wanted to use the washroom?" She stammered.

"Do I? When did I say that?" He asked, pulling her chin upward.

"Few moments ago" she replied avoiding his gaze. He looked at her intently before he finally realized her chin and pressed a gentle kiss on the corners of her lips and said,

"I will let you be for now, but bare it in mind, you wouldn't have your way tonight. You will be all mine" he whispered in her ears. "Cmon, let's go I don't want the family to have a weird idea roaming through their minds. Let the elders breath, don't you think" he winked at her.

"You are so shameless darling" she laughed. They both walked out the door and into the dining room together with Kulthum blushing like a maniac.

"Why are you so red baby sis?" Saddique asked staring at her.  Abdullah tilted his head to have a better look at her and smirked to himself.

"I'm not!" She almost shouted. They all passed her a weird look before they continued conversation because apparently, the family were done eating, it was only the couples that were left to finish their food. When they finally finished, the men shifted to the living room while Kulthum and her mom went to her room to have a little chat.

Finally! She could almost taste the happiness she felt right that moment being in the company of someone other than her husband. Only she, could describe how she felt. After spending almost all day with her family, it was finally time for her to leave and she was on the verge of pleading with Abdullah to let her stay for the night but, she knew that was impossible.

"Take care of yourself Ummi" her mother had said, with glassy eyes and watery smile.

"I will mummy" and she gave her a very tight hug. "I will miss you" she added truthfully.

"Me too" she looked at her father and brother and each gave them a tight hug with her father placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Take care of yourself princess" her father and brother said in unison. She nodded slowly with misrable tears dripping down her face before she finally faced her husband and who was patiently waiting for her by the car. Mr Bello who was already seated in the car climbed down and opened the doors them to enter then finally they drove off. Though she tried her best not to cry, she couldn't help herself but to sniff and lowering her gaze to wipe her eyes.

Abdullah knew very well how she was feeling and decided to give her a comforting hug without saying anything till they arrived at the palace.

"C'mon baby let's go" was all he said throughout their journey back home. She quietly stepped out of the car and walked hand in hand with him till they arrived at their bed chamber.

"Are you alright baby?" Seems Abdullah grew tired of her silence and asked. She nodded her head and headed to the washroom to shower and when she came back she still didn't say anything to him and laid down to sleep.

"Really? Silent treatment?! Did I do something wrong?" Came his frustrated voice.

"No darling, you didn't. I'm just not in the mood to talk" she replied tired. Truthfully, she wasn't. Because the instant she opens her mouth to make a sentence she won't be able to finish it because her tears won't let her. So to avoid crying like a baby, she better fall asleep immediately. But she was forgetting something, and she knew very well what it was but she was in no mood whatsoever to fool around.

"You wanted to stay the night didn't you?" He asked again. He knew perfectly well what was on her mind the instant she made eye contact with him when she was about to enter the car and though he had wanted her to ask, he knew he wouldn't be able to leave her there and come back to an empty room even though he wanted to.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now