If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 47

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"Umm excuse me?" Hanifa called walking closer to the nurse she just stopped.

"Yes?" She replied holding the stack of documents firmly in her hand.

"You do perhaps know Neil? He is probably a surgeon in this hospital" she inquired adjusting her sunglasses and face mask. She wore them to conceal her identity from the prying eyes of people and the creepy CCTV that was placed almost everywhere in the place. Coming to this place was a risk she had to take if not the endless circle of planing and failing would be probably continue and that wasn't her style but more importantly her mind wouldn't be at peace and the only way out for her was through Neil. Kulthum's ex boyfriend or so she assumed.

"You mean surg. Neil Adam?" The nurse asked giving her a weird kind of look and with a slight nod of her head, she affirmed that he was the guy she was looking for. "But who are you miss?" She inquired

"Well you see I am his... umm girlfriend you see, so I just came in to surprise him I didn't tell him that I was coming so I prepared a little something to give him" she smiled brightly showing her the tiffin box she made. Not doubting her in the slightest, she showed her his office and went her way.

"Huff! That was easy" she remarked before making her way to the designated place. Upon arriving, she knocked softly on the door then pushed open it and strode in like she owned the place. "Hello Mr. Adam, so nice to see finally make your acquaintance" she said seating in front of him and dropping the tiffin box on the floor close to her feet.

"Hello to you too, May I know who you are please?" He said straightening his seating position.

"No need to panic Mr. Adam, I am just here for a small business...." It didn't take long for her to get what she wanted but she had to admit, he was a hard shell to crack but after all, she was Hanifa. And she always gets what she wants no matter what. With a victorious grin on her face, she existed the building and went back straight home as she has already fulfilled her wish for the day. Pulling out her phone, she dialed the number that gave her Neil's and began speaking as soon as the other end was being received.

"Where were you Hanifa?" Her mother questioned as soon as she entered her quarters.

"Well you see mother, I went to visit a long lost friend and guess what mother?" She said rapping her arms around her mother's shoulders pulling her into the living room of their quarters. "I went there and he was so amazed by the woman I have grown into and started flirting with me, can you imagine?" She laughed sarcastically waving her hand in her face.

"Are you done now?" Zubaidah asked with a straight face, all along, she already knew that her daughter was lying because of the way she blabbering non stop. Hanifa heaved a sighed slumping her shoulder to look so sorry but deep down she knew she wasn't at all not the least touched or embarrassed by what she had done back there at the hospital.

"You always get me when I am lying mother" she complained with a whiny voice. "Actually, I went to our pretty little Kulthum's hospital and encountered her ex-lover, do you know his name?" She asked adjusting her seating position so she was now facing her mother completely. "His name is Neil, and not only does he have a nice name, he is also handsome and too good to be true mother! I really wish he can be mine" she said with a dreamy eyes staring into the clear space in front of her.

"Okay when you are done ogling, can you tell me what you did there?" Came zubaidah's impatient voice as a little crease formed on her forehead.

"Well, at first he refused to do as I say but when I said I am going to pay him double the amount his boss is paying him he agreed and even at that, it was so hard to make him accept it because you know what he said?" She paused to look at her mother for a second before she continued, "I really can't betray ma'am like that so I am sorry I can't do what you are asking of me please" she mimicked his voice sarcastically rolling her eyes. Her mother sighed expectantly waiting to hear more juicy information from her carbon copy daughter.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora