If i can hate you, why can't you? Chp 20

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Alia noticed her friend behaving so weirdly and decided to ask what the matter was immediately after the operation which really seem hard to become successful. What is the matter with her? She thought to herself, but
anyway concentrated on the work she was doing. Fifteen minutes later the patient became so critical that they almost lost him. "Oh my God!!", some staff gasped as they noticed the heart rate monitor decreasing from the normal rate.

"Where the hell are you going to Kulthum?" She shouted as she saw Kulthum leaving and making for the door. As she was almost there the door barged open and Saddique strode in wearing his surgery suite and sparing his sister that was covered in blood a glance then went to them.

"What the hell is happening here?" He demanded looking at the half dead patient laying before them fighting for his dear life.

"We are loosing him!" She panicked, he didn't answer but took over the work backing orders everywhere mean while him and Alia continued. Thirty minutes later the operation was done but the patient was still fighting for his dear life after some few hours of praying and trying he came out of danger and was moved to the ICU for proper observation.
After some hours of setting the patient they came out only to be meet with his family members asking unpleasant questions which was not pleasant to the hearing.

"Will my son leave?!" The person standing by Alia's left side quickly asked as she spotted them coming out of the ICU center.

"We are trying our best please be calm for now we can't say or do anything for now we have to wait for some few hours before we can tell anything!" Alia said professionally looking at all of them. Hearing this the broke down weeping her heart out before her husband came closer to see comforting her.

"Please take a hold of yourself we will try our best to save our son inshaAllah!!" This time Saddique responded patting the man in the shoulder practically dragging Alia in the process. They left the place when Saddique finally spoke again, "hey!" He said awkwardly and immediately regretted it the moment the words left his mouth.

Alia chuckled before replying, "wasallam and I am fine thank you!" She answered nonchalantly which made him face palm mentally.

"Oh yeah! My bad" he said jokingly before saying his salaam. She answered and they went quite for a few minutes before she broke the annoying yet comfortable silence between them.

"Umm.." she started and he turned to glance at her "please do you mind elaborating to me what is wrong with my friend?" She asked carefully. "She have been behaving weirdly since this morning, apart from the time I poured water on her to wake her up this morning" she explained.

"You where in our house this morning?" He asked surprised.

She smiled sheepishly before nodding her head and quickly added, "I just came to remind her about our operation seeing that she hadn't showed up in the hospital for the past few weeks!"

"Ok I will suggest for you just to ask her yourself maybe you will get the exact information you are seeking for"

"I am not sure if she wants to meet anyone right now, because she looks so tensed up and more vulnerable. Maybe something happened to her!" She said her voice slightly breaking.

"Where is she now?"

"Maybe in her cabin"

"Ok let me go see her, you can come along if you wish to" he said then went to kulthum's office. He knocked on the door but didn't wait for her reply and entered in.

"Baby sis" he called out but no reply came back he called out again but still the same thing. "Where is she now?" He mumbled moving to the center of the room. They searched everywhere in the cabin but didn't see her, when they were about to leave they heard some sniffing coming from the other washroom and went through that side. He knocked on the door but the only response he got from her was an angry yell "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" She yelled. He knocked again but this time she on the running tap to muffle the calls.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now