If i can hate you,why can't you? Chp 12

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As soon as he entered his room he felt like punching, kicking or smacking something. He strode towards his bed and was about to lay down when he heard someone cleared their throat, turning around he found his mother and sisters seating on his couch that was across his bed and drinking something. Tea? He guessed.

"Mum!"  He said surprised to see her in his room.

"How are you son? You look somehow disturbed! Is everything alright?" She inquired.

"It's nothing mum, am fine". He said as he went closer to them. "Since when have you guys been seated here?" He asked as he took a look at his beloved sisters.

"Hey brother!" Hurul'ain said cheerfully "I really missed you"

"Brother? Why do you look so tensed or maybe mad at someone?" Amrah asked worry marrying both his sisters faces, and for a moment he imagined saying 'NO' to his father but there came their innocent eyes filled with tears and sadness only because of him and only that made his blood boil.

"Son?!" His mother asked as she noticed how quite he was since he entered the room. "If something is bothering you, you can tell me you know?" She said worry marrying her beautiful face. Not wanting to tell them anything or scare them instead he told them that he was having a very bad headache and if he happens to get any sleep now it would go before the next morning.  They said their salaam to him not believing him one bit and he knows they don't, but still they left him alone to have the sleep he said he needed.
As they left the room and closed the door behind them, he collapsed on the bed thinking of what to say to his ridiculous father as he said after five days. He even became more frustrated as he couldn't come up with anything tangible which made him think wether he have lost his sense of thinking or why he wasn't able to come up with something very useful so he made up his mind to say a very big time 'NO' to him no matter what he says because he don't actually give a damn to anything else at least that's what he thinks for now. Sighing he made his way to his washroom did his wudu and performed his nafil before going to help and asking for Allah's help.

The next morning he woke up with a truthful severe headache which was due to all the thinking he was doing last night. He got off the bed and entered the washroom to have a very hot shower which will help in easing the pain as he was done he wrap a towel on his lower body and entered his walk in closet which was opposite the washroom. When he was done he picked his wristwatch that was placed on the vanity table as he always wears it not to be late in anything he does or anywhere he goes. He is a man of punctuality everything have its own time even when he wants to meet his friend he won't go until the time comes if not he will continue doing what he was doing until the time reaches. And now it was the time to meet the king his father but he was not the least interested in doing so not after what he told him yesterday. A knock on the door made him almost jump out of his skin.

"Your highness the queen is here to meet you" the guard announced.

"Let her in" he called back. As she made her way into his room Abdullah was very surprised to see her in his room this early in the morning.

"Salaam Mum" he said kissing her cheek and forehead out of respect.

"Wasallam son! How are you this morning?" She inquired knowing how she left him last night.

"Am absolutely fine mum, and, Alhamdulilah for that. But you shouldn't be here if you needed me you could have sent for me!" He said still surprised.

"Son, I have something of great importance that I need to clear it with you and for that we have to seat" she said motioning for him to follow her to the couch. As they sat down he waited for her to say something but she was quite so he decided to ask her what she wanted to tell him.

"Mother you wanted to say something?" He said dragging her out of her dream land.

"Yes, your father told me everything he said to you last night but I won't  force you to do what you don't want to do it is your choice to get married now or not but I will talk to him to let you decide wether or not you want to get married now!" She said in a soft tone.

"Mother,  please don't waste your time because father won't listen to you or anyone else he won't agree no matter what happens!" He said dryly.

"He is your father don't forget that no matter what he does he still remains your father so please even if you are angry with what he does or say just bare with him as I said before I won't force you to do what you don't want to do or are not interested in doing. But let me just ask you this one question and make sure you answer me truthfully don't hide anything from me!" She said looking at him as if trying to figure him out.

"Yes mother, go on!"

"Would you like to see your sisters in danger or see tears in their beautiful eyes as you used to say. Remember when the three of you were kids you used to say that Amrah has a beautiful face just like the moon glows and Hurul'ain how the sun shines so now would you like to see the smile on their faces fade away and sorrow replacing it? I know you won't like that but I am just just here to help you make the right decision than for them to get married to those bloody men Yusuf and Jibril. Please don't get me wrong son I am not here to give you the impression that I only care about them I too care a lot about you so please don't get me wrong. Maybe I would leave you now seems like you were in a hurry when I came in sorry for wasting your time, I would leave you to think for a while about what I said" she said and kissed his forehead and left him alone to swim inside his thought. On one hand he have his sisters happiness which means a lot for him and on the other hand he have his own goals but his ridiculous father wants to put an end to his happiness and desires before it even started.  "What do I do now?" He voiced out his thought.

"I think you should just get married and let your sisters marry whom they love and live in a happy home!!" He heard his fathers voice from behind him.

"Father? what.. how.. how did you get in here?" He asked knowing that, that is a stupid question.The king gave him a look that says from where else if not the door.

"Through the wall!" He answered sarcastically.

"What brings you here today?" He asked

"Well son," he started. "Seems like you are in a deep thought that you didn't hear the door opening. But let forget about that. So,what do you think we should do? Is it to get you married or get your beloved sisters married to Yusuf the bloody man?" He asked faking hurt.

"Father!" He called as if tired of talking. "You said you needed your answer within five days right? Then why are you here?" He stared at his father in the eye.

"Oh come on son!!" Why are you behaving strangely?" He chuckled.

"What do you want?" He asked tired of his fathers nonsense.

"Yusuf or your marriage! Is what I want" he stared directly at him.

"And that you won't get! Neither would any of my sisters marry whom they don't like or love nor would I get married!!".

Sallam guys!! May Allah bless you all and your family hope you are in a good health very good.

How was the chapter hope it was fine? What do you think our Abdullah would do now? Can he stop his father from what he wants to do to him.

Vote and comment and Insha Allah Allah would bless you.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now