If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 75

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As she sat close to him looking at the rising sun, she could swear that she saw it smugly smirking at her. 'Oh what a fool you are ummi' she thought it might say. She looked at the colorful rays and little birds that roamed the sky freely, singing to their heart's content and imagined for a second that she was one of them.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She heard his voice and thought it was the most amazing sound she had ever heard. She turned to his smiling face and imagined the lady he was talking to by his side saying something to his ears.

"It is?" She snapped. "Is it actually as beautiful as you say it is?" He furrowed his brows looking at her confused.

"I mean the sun, isn't it beautiful?" He corrected himself

"Why don't you go ask her if it is beautiful or not" she snapped and left the balcony going to the room. He sat there for a moment with his heart pounding in his throat looking at her retreating figure with panic.

'Her? Does she know?' He thought silently. He braced himself and went after

"Babe?" He called but she ignored him, making herself busy by pulling out a book to read. "Babe, I'm talking to you," he said again. She ignored him and continued to flip through pages till he got fed up and snatched the book away from getting her attention again.

"What do you want?" She demanded angrily.

"Woah! Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" He tried to make a joke

"Look," she started, "I have no intention of talking to you, neither do I want to see your face nor do I want to be in the same place as you. Just leave"

"What are you saying? Did I do something wrong? Something to hurt you?" He asked, coming close to her.

"Don't you dare touch me, your royal highness!" She shifted back.

"Your royal highness?" He whispered perplexed.

"I thought I disgust you, why do you want to touch me? You can't fool me anymore your royal highness, I know everything" she pushed him away and headed to the changing room. He followed her there and grabbed her arms pulling her out.

"What do you mean you know everything? Did I do something to upset you? At least tell me so that I can fix it. Don't just talk in riddles and expect me to understand I don't read minds babe, I'm a human" did she sense a hint of fear in his voice? Wow Abdullah, wow.

"Fix it? You want to fix it? After ruining everything we built together, infact, I built in other to make this...thing! We have work out, you just threw it out the window as if it meant nothing, as if I mean nothing to you. Just yesterday, you told me to trust you and that same yesterday, you broke that trust. You....you made me believe you like a fool, and now you are acting as if you are innocent?!" She shouted in frustration.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," he lied. She glared at him, inhaling deeply. "I broke your trust? You mean nothing to me? How can you say that?"

"Do I mean something to you?"

"Of course you do, more than you can imagine"

"Then tell me you love me" she said. He inhaled a beautiful amount of air avoiding her anticipated stares filled with both anxiousness and disappointment. "I knew it, you can't can you? You better express your feelings to your girlfriend than to your wife? How did you meet? When did you start having an affair? Was it the time I went to Tokyo? Or was it the time you accused me of sleeping with Neil? When was it?!" She demanded for an explanation

"Kulthum, calm down please, let me explain it is not what you think it is. I am not having an affair with anyone I..." he trailed off placing his palm on his forehead and looking at everything by her face.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu