Epilogue/ sequel

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Hey guys it's me again! 😎 remember I said I was going to write a sneak peak of the next book I.e sequel of (IICHYWCY) 🤣. Well not to take too much of your time, here it is.


Five years! Five bloody years but she still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that they are not together anymore, she tried her best to forget about everything including him but to her utmost surprise, she couldn't.

She could still remember the incident that happened that day as vividly as possible like it just happened a few hours ago. She sighed plucking herself out of her wrenching thoughts, she wasn't ready to undergo what she went through five years ago. She tried her best to reach him to explain everything exactly as they were but he refused.

"Are you even listening to me?" Alia asked, fuming with anger. Apparently, she hired a therapist and a babysitter for Kulthum despite the fact that Kulthum has objected times without number saying she could take care of herself and she needs no one else. Within the few years she spent away from him, she had reformed herself into something Alia was almost scared of admitting herself.

"What is it Alia?" Kulthum asked, massaging her temples. She had been in the OR for 12 hours doing a particular surgery and even after she was done, she didn't take any rest and began the next one almost immediately.
She was overworking herself and she knew that but what could she possibly do? Seat down and drown herself in self pity?

"I'm worried about you Kulthum and you are not even helping matters yourself, what the hell is wrong with you? Since you came here for the past years you've just been.... I don't know. I don't know what to do. You don't talk to me anymore you don't share anything with me anymore you treat me like some stranger you just met few hours ago, c'mon bestie tell me what's wrong?" Kulthum gave her a blank look clearing her throat in the process and just as she was about to respond, the door flew open without any warning.

"Mummy!" A little girl ran in still in her school uniform with a toothy grin on her face.

"Hey munchkin! You've got chocolate all over your face, where's your brother?" Kulthum asked and just then a little guy strolled in majestically just like someone she used to know.  The little girl gave her a big innocent smile and kissed Kulthum's cheeks, smearing the chocolate all over her cheek. Kulthum chuckled, picking her up and wiping her face in the process.

"Hi aunt Alia!" The girl squealed, jumping out of kulthum's arms and into Alia's.

"My baby girl, how are you doing?" Alia asked, pulling the girl's cheek slightly.

"I'm having a tatatak!" She said, clutching her chest and pulling her head back. Alia laughed, shaking her head at her.

"Hi mummy" the little guy finally made his presence known. Apparently, he's the calmest one, he only says a few words and that too, only when necessary. At the age of 5 he's so reserved and too smart for Kulthum's liking.  "Hi aunt Alia," he said, making himself comfortable on one of the couches in Kulthum's new office.  As he sat, he pulled out his pad to do his homework ignoring the rest of them.

"Hey bossy boss! How are you doing" Alia asked, sitting close to him. He answered shortly and returned to his assignment.

"Hud?" Kulthum called, he kept his pad to look at his mother blankly "what do you want to eat? I want to order something for you before we get home" she said to him.

"The usual mummy" he stated and focused his eyes on his work. At least, that's one thing they have in common. The love of shawarma.

"And you Jenna? What do you want to eat?" Kulthum asked. The little girl placed her index finger on her check shaking her head deep in fake thought. She already knows what she wants but she has to be dramatic first.  Drama queen! Kulthum thought smiling. This girl is just a carbon copy of her.

"I will have whatever aunt Alia is going to eat" she laughed out. Hud shook his head at her, giving her a stupid look.

"What?" She snapped, "look mummy, Hudayfah is giving me that look again" she protested pointing an accusing finger at him. He ignored her and that only seemed to infuriate her more.

"C'mon Hud, she's your sister," Alia said.

"Yeah I know that, and the fact that she's my twin makes it more annoying" he rolled his eyes speaking so calmly.

He speaks so much like his dad. Alia thought. Later in the evening after Kulthum got home, the nanny took the little adorable twins and bathed the girl because apparently, Hud is a grown guy and enjoys doing stuff himself. Then finally she brought them down the stairs to eat with their mother.

"Jenna, have you done your homework?" Hud asked, concentrating on his food.

"Why do you want to know?" she furrowed her brows at him.

"I just want to help you correct the rubbish I know you wrote" he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Mummy, he's calling me a dummy!" Tears sprang to her eyes immediately.

"Oh no Jenna, he's not, he just wants to help you with your homework. That's all, don't cry, okay" Kulthum wiped her tears away. "Hudayfah, don't say that!"

"We all know she writes nonsense mummy, and I always correct her. She's such a dummy" he glared at her.

"Hudayfah!" Kulthum gasped. "What is wrong with you? How can you say that to her? Apologize to her right now"

"Alright, I'm sorry. I went too far, sorry" he said shortly but even a deaf person would know that he doesn't mean anything he just said.

"That's very bad Hud, don't say that again okay?" Kulthum scolded. He nodded his head looking at his sister's teary eyes and felt a pang guilt.

"I'm sorry Jen, I didn't mean to say that" he finally apologized. "C'mon I will help you with your homework" after the dinner with their mum. He helped her in doing the assignment and then it was finally time for bed. Kulthum always tucks her children to bed no matter how distraught or tired she is. So she tucked in Hud first, and then went to Jenna's room to tuck her in.

"Mummy?" The little girl called, drowsy and sleepy.

"Yeah?" She answered, putting the book she was reading away.

"There will be a competition soon in the school and everyone is expected with come with their parents"

"Okay, I won't miss it for anything baby" she kissed her forehead.

"I know you won't, but will daddy make it?" Kulthum blanched, staring at her.



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