If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? Chp 2

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Kulthum woke up the next morning to pray tahajjud, and woke Alia to join her since she came back from the hospital a little earlier than planned. Once they were done they recited the holy Quran till they heard the adhan to salat al fajr, they closed it and offered it then headed downstairs to prepare breakfast for everyone. As they entered the kitchen they were greeted by kulthum's mum with her welcoming smile.  They said their salaams and then headed to make breakfast together. After they were done they set the dining table and called the rest to join them for breakfast. The dinning was fun and as they finished, they helped in clearing the table then headed to the hospital. 

"Does it have to be this way Kulthum?" Alia asked, walking down the arcade with Kulthum.

"What has to be this way?" Kulthum asked, pulling out her phone and going through some personal files.

"Do we really have to perform surgery each and every time we come to the hospital? I'm getting tired really! I mean, most of the time I enter the OR, sometimes I picture myself as the patient lying on the bed and trusting my life with some absolute stranger I know nothing off. What if the person has something personal with me and I have no idea about it? Will he save me? Or will he...?"  Kulthum giggled shaking her head

"You have a nasty imagination Alia" Kulthum said entering her cabin.

Alia is a type of girl that hates seeing her loved ones in pain or danger, she likes seeing everyone happy and healthy. She is the type of person that hates people who look up to themselves or are too proud. That is why she never gives them the facial expression to mess with her. She is the 'No -nonsense' type of girl and always calm when annoyed unlike Kulthum who deals with the person that messes with her right that instance.

Their first encounter was sophomore year in school, she was quiet at first but when they got to know each other Kulthum was like wow! So she isn't the same person she used to know before, because she could talk for the world but when they are in the mix of people she becomes. Not that Kulthum is a talkative, like Alia, she's just outspoken.

"Have you finished your duty or are you still on it? Maybe I can help in the process because I am done for today. Alia asked, she just came out of the OR again after spending a lot of hours, but not without pulling some strings of Kulthum.

"No I am not, I am waiting for Miss Anna to give me a list of all the surgeons in their department , so I have to wait for her for like fifteen minutes then we will be off". Kulthum explained, usually, Alia dislikes Anna because she says she is too rude for her liking and unfortunately for her they are in the same department which usually makes her too grumpy. But the less annoying thing is, Alia is her superior.

"Okay then," she answered, shrugging her shoulders. "But I won't take it easy with her if she tries anything stupid" she is annoyed by the fact that she has to meet her again because she really can't stand her presence.

"Okay but don't try it in front of me, you do know that I am your boss right?". She asked with a smirk

"Yeah whatever" Alia rolled her eyes. In the office they do have their separate cabins but she usually spends almost all her time kulthum's.  And because of that, kulthum's employees are finding it difficult to know who their boss is, which is very stupid of them. Or so she thought.

"Ma'am?" Anna called, passing the files over to Kulthum.

"Are these the files?" Kulthum asked collecting them

"Yes ma'am, these are the files you requested". She answered, "Is there anything you might need?'' She asked, Kulthum could clearly see Alia shooting daggers at Anna from her peripheral vision.

'You are such a child Alia' Kulthum thought

"No Anna, I am alright . Thank you, you can go now."

"Really Alia, what is wrong with you?" Kulthum asked, as soon as anna left her cabin

"Nothing I just don't like her and you do know that" She said, matter of fact.

"Hmm, I see you do." Kulthum remarked, going through the files she just collected. By the time she was done analyzing them, it was already dark and Alia was almost on the verge of chopping her head off, so she clumsily fetched her belongings and hit the road. She dropped Alia at her place promising to visit another time then headed home.  As she arrived home, the security opened the gates and she drove in not without saying 'hello' to him.

"As salamualaikum". She mumbled, entering the living room which was dark . The only source of light illuminating the room was a little lamp which was kept on the center table of the living room.

"You are back" she heard her  mom's voice, at first she panicked, she wasn't really expecting anyone to be in the living room around that time. She walked deeper into the room and there she saw her mother sitting the two seaters half asleep.

"Mum? What are you doing here?" She asked, sitting close to her. "You are supposed to be sleeping by now, why aren't you?" She continued

"I was waiting for you to come home, I guess I slept off sitting here" she smiled softly.

'Waiting for me?'  She thought

"Waiting for me? Is everything alright mummy?"

"Perfectly dear" she kissed her forehead.

"Where is daddy?" Her wandering eyes didn't get a glimpse of him anyway. "Is he sleeping already?"

"About that, we forgot to tell you this morning when we were having our breakfast. He traveled to Dubai and won't be back till after three weeks. He said I should tell you that he is truly sorry for not letting you know about the trip and that he will miss you so much." She said quietly

"Where is Saddique?" She asked, she  hadn't seen him anywhere close. He always used to be the one that makes her smile when she is feeling under the weather or just not in the mood. He always stands by her and hates seeing tears in her eyes. She never wishes to have a better brother than him. He treats her like his own daughter more than his sister.

"He went with your dad to help him with a few office things. You know he is inheriting the office after a few months so he wants him to know how things are done there". She explained, though she's told her nothing was the matter, why was she still having a strange feeling about her mother? It is as if she was hiding something from her.

"Mummy, what's wrong? Is there something that is bothering you that I don't know of?" She finally asked

"No Ummi I just... are you not tired? Why don't you go in and take some rest?" She changed the subject.

"Mummy?" Kulthum called, staring at her intently.  Her mother sighed, avoiding her gaze.

"I went to the hospital today to do my checkup.." she started, slowly "and I was diagnosed with a high BP." She continued.

"What?" Kulthum whispered perplexed, "BP? How? I mean when?" She couldn't fix together a coherent sentence all she could do was stare at her mother

"You don't need to worry too much dear, I will be fine by God's grace okay? Moreover, I've got my drugs and you by my side. What more I'm I looking for?" She tried to lighten up the mood.

"Which hospital did you go to?" Kulthum asked gently

"The one you took me to once, before you opened your own" she answered, "why?"

"I just want to make sure they are telling the trust, so you will be accompanying me to the hospital tomorrow to carry out another test" Kulthum said finally


"Because I don't trust anyone when it comes to my family," Kulthum said, "and I won't take no for an answer," she added.

"Oh Kulthum," her mother smiled, patting her arm gently.

"Good night mummy, I'm so tired" she yawned and left for her room.

If I Can Hate You, Why Can't You? A Nigerian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now