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12 months later...

Today's the day I married the love of my life. Eli proposed to me shortly after the boys were born. He made it absolutely perfect. It was just so breathtaking.
Our wedding was beautiful and everything I ever dreamed of. Kenzie was even one of my bridesmaids. Yes, you heard right. Kenzie. We have become friends shortly after our boys were born. It was bound to happen. She even is engaged to be married to Annie's brother Derek. It's crazy how things plan out.
I whispered in Eli's ear during our reception that I would be right back. I had to pee so bad... and I'm over a week late for my period. I decided to take a test and I'm pregnant! Definitely not planned and Eli has no idea. We were talking about me going on the pill, but that will have to wait. I'm going to make an toast to him after I get back and announce our pregnancy.
I was making my way back over to Eli and he spots me and meets me halfway and kisses me and our family and friends "aww " us. My cheeks get red and Eli laughs before kissing my cheek.
I tell him I need to go the DJ really quickly. He looks at me strange and I tell him "don't worry. I'll be right back." And kiss his cheek.
Our DJ is Rocky. We are working on my album which is so crazy and surreal. He agreed to be the DJ at our wedding as a gift to us.
"Hey mr. DJ man!"
"Sup girl! Whatchu wanna hear?"
I laugh and said "can I take over the mic, please?"
"What do you want to sing?" As he hands me the microphone.
I shake my head "no, I don't want to sing tonight. I just want to make a toast to my husband."
He smiles "You got it."
"Alright, alright, alright. The lovely bride wants to toast to her husband." I spot Eli from across the room. "Babe, will you come up here,please?"
He slowly, very slowly makes his way over. Everyone starts laughing and I laugh and roll my eyes.
"Eli, you're my best friend. My whole universe. My husband. As you and pretty much everyone here tonight knows we've had quite the journey to get here today. You are by far my greatest adventure. You are a wonderful daddy to our boys and will continue to be the best daddy to our newest member of the family..." he cuts me off as his face pales and he smiles a smile that meets his eyes "please tell me you're about to say a puppy."
I shake my head no while laughing and tear up and he gets excited and says "Maybe it'll be a girl this time." And everyone laughs. He kisses me hard and dips me back.

We make it back to our table and sit. Each of us holding one of our boys and watching them smile and laugh. They've grown so much of the past year. Time flies. Eli looks at me and our eyes locked and he says "here's to forever and a day baby." And kisses me.

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