Chapter 31

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It's been a little over a month since I've been back in the city. Gracie has tried reaching out to me several times, but I don't answer. I know it's not her fault, but I just can't handle it. Eli hasn't tried reaching out to me and I haven't tried either.
I've been feeling sick to top it off too. Annie thinks it's a stomach bug. Maybe she's right. A lot of people have been sick with it turning fall.
It's just my luck.
I have spent all of my time in the studio trying to write new songs. Trying being the key word. I finish a song and hate it and start over. I think my team is getting irritated with me. Nothing's good. I don't know if my hearts just not in it or what, but something's got to give.
It's about 6:30 and I'm getting ready to go to Annie's apartment. She said she is having some of Jonathan's family from Chicago come by and she's meeting them all for the first time and she's super nervous and it's making her stomach turn. I keep telling her that I'm nauseous enough for the both of us to make her feel better.
She's been there for me so I need to be there for her. Even through an awkward family dinner.
I curled my hair and did natural make up. I couldn't find anything comfortable to be in that would be appropriate. I settled on wearing a white tank top with a burgundy plaid shirt on top with black skinny jeans and boots. I look in the mirror and feel bloated and want to cover up. "This is as good as it's going to get." I sigh and grab my purse and head to the curb for a taxi.

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