Chapter 28

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I decide to turn it on. Waiting wouldn't change anything. To my surprise I only had 1 message from Eli telling me to have a safe flight. My heart broke. Not even an I love you or anything.
I thought I meant more to him, but I guess in the end, true colors always show.
The tears from my heartache won't stop. I guess Annie heard me because the door opened and she came to the bed with chocolate. She always says wallowing is good to mend a broken heart. I know she doesn't know what happened, but I know she has a good idea.
I was going to tell her because I can't hold it back and my phone rings making us both jump. I look at caller ID and it's Gracie.
I clearly my throats to make sure my voice doesn't shake.
I softly answer the phone "hello?"
"Em! Where are you? I asked Eli when you were coming for dinner and he just walked by me."
"I.... I... didn't know."
"Ugh, Emma! You stutter when you're nervous or hiding something. What's going on?"
I take a few deep breaths.
"It's done. I'm home in NYC. I gotta go. Bye Gracie." And I hung up.
Annie looked at me with a question look and I told her everything.

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