Chapter 57

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I woke up really early with the urge to get sick. I seriously hate morning sickness. I rush to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth. I was trying to me as quiet as possible to not wake Eli. I hear from down the hall as I'm emptying my stomach "baby? Are you alright?"
A moment later, I flush the toilet and answer. "Yeah, I'm okay." I hope he doesn't hear my voice quivering from throwing up last nights pizza. I'm sitting on the closed toilet with my hands holding my head.
I didn't realize Eli was standing there until he spoke up "is it that bad this morning?" I look at him and see him watching me with intense care.
I push my hair back and nod my head. "I wish this part of my pregnancy was over with! I hate being sick!"
He gives me a small smile. "I know, baby. Just think in almost 6 months we will have our peanut." And hugs me.
"I'm going to get you some orange juice and crackers. I've read crackers will settle your stomach." And walks off to the kitchen.
What would I do without him?
Eli comes back in a few minutes later and hands me the orange juice first. I take small sips and turn around really quick and lift the lid to get sick again. Peanut doesn't like orange juice, I guess.
"Awe, Em! I didn't think it would make you sick. I'm so sorry baby." He's rubbing small circles on my back in a slow and comforting motion. In between heaves I muster up the energy to say "it's okay." And continue the process.
Once I finished Eli helps me to the sink so I can wash my hands and rinse my mouth out. I brush my teeth slowly and thoroughly. I rinse out my mouth again and turn toward Eli who's watching me so intensely.
I can see him so concerned and I just walk over to him hug him. I just want to be held.
"Em, please don't get mad me for making this suggestion, but I'm going to say it anyway because I love you." I pull back from the hug and notice he's serious.
"You need to call the studio and tell them you're not going back and that you're moving anyway. We're leaving next week. You're too sick anyway and it would be hard on you right now. You can find a job at a studio when we get back to Chicago." I take in what he says and sigh. And run my hand through my hair. "Normally I would argue and go in and say that I'm feeling 100% okay enough to go in, but I'm not. You're completely right. I feel way too sick." Relief rushes to his face.
"You don't know how glad that makes me. Baby, you're still really pale. Call into the studio and lets go back to bed." I nod my head and he kisses my forehead and leads me back to my bedroom.
I pick up my phone and call the studio and put it on speaker for Eli to hear.
"What up Em?" Says Bradley my manager.
"Hey Bradley." I say softly and nervously.
"You sound awful. You're taking spoonfuls of honey for your throat right? That singing competition is coming up."
"About that, Bradley. I'm no longer going to participate in the competition and won't be working at the studio anymore." There was silence for a moment. "Hello? Bradley?" His anger booms through the phone "what the hell do you mean you're not doing the competition or working at the studio anymore? You're the best one we've got here!" I jump a little and look at Eli and shrug my shoulders. He looks mad for how Bradley is speaking to me.
"I don't know what else to tell you, Bradley."
He cuts me off before I can continue "no you're not quitting. I'm not allowing it. I forbid it. Get your ass down here." That's when Eli takes the phone from my hand "listen pal, you don't talk to my girlfriend like that. She's done there. Call her again and talk to her that way and there's going to be more than this conversation for you to worry about." And hung up.
He started pacing the floor. I try to lighten the mood especially so early in the morning.
I wait a few minutes and say "you know pacing like that will ware the floor in?" He stops and looks at me. "Em, how are you being so calm? I'm furious." And continues to pace.
"Babe, look at me." I get up and stand in front of him and put my hands on his face so I can look him in the eyes. "Thank you for standing up for me, but he can't do anything to hurt me or be mean to me anymore. It's done. He's never going to talk to me again. Okay?"
He takes a deep breath. The crease in his forehead is prominent with his eyebrows being furrowed. He grumpily says "okay."
I kiss him and say "come on baby, let's go back to bed." I take his hand and lead the way. He gets in behind me and holds me.
He kisses the back of my head and tells me he loves me. I return my I love you and drift quickly back to sleep.

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