Chapter 1

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Leave it to me to wait until the last minute to pack. I'm supposed to leave for the airport within the hour. I am sitting on my floor in a cluster of clothes and shoes. Thankfully, my best friend Annie showed up with a grande cappuccino to help me soldier through the chaos. As she hands me the much needed caffeinated beverage, she asks, "Emma, are you sure going to Europe is going to solve anything?" No matter how tough it is to leave her behind for a few weeks, I need this. "You know I do... being here is just too much for me to handle right now. Just wait and see how quickly it'll pass and I'll be home."
Annie has never been one to give up. She always wants to get her way. She can be pretty persuasive when she sets her mind to something. On an aggravated sigh she tries to continue to convince me to stay. "Come on, Em... it's been a month! Everything is fine! Nothing has happened since..." I abruptly cut her off "Annie! I'm not talking about this. Talking about it isn't going to change the fact that it happened. This will be good for me... I know it." Even though I was trying to convince her, I feel like I am also convincing myself that it'll be good for me. I still have my doubts.

What seemed like a century later, my bags were packed and I was loading up the taxi. Thankfully, I called the service in advance. Getting a cab in New York City was a pain in the neck. You could be standing there for 45 minutes and not haul one over to you.
Annie road with me to the airport. I could tell this upset her. I'm her partner in crime. This is the first time we have ever been a part more than a week since we were 8 years old.
We pulled up to the airport and the driver unloaded my bags.
"Em, you promise you'll keep in touch and dish on everything?!" "Annie, I promise!"
She hugs me as I'm getting out of the cab. I quickly wiped a tear from my eye. Annie has always been my rock and I've relied on her entirely too much. This will be good. I hope...

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