Chapter 83

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I woke up and was coming to and looked around and I was by myself... he said he wouldn't leave. I'm so upset and doing the best I can not to cry again. I need to remain calm about this. At least for now I have to keep it together.
I don't blame him for leaving though. I get it. I'd leave too if I were him. I'm a lot to handle and never would expect anyone to live with it.
I just gotta shake it off. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale.
In the mean time I just curl up in a ball and pull the covers as close as tightly as I can around myself for comfort. Silent tears begin to fall and I try to stop them from coming, but it's no use.
The door opens and Dr. Martin walks in.
"Good morning, Mrs. Brink! Everything is looking great. You should be discharged within a few hours. We are working on getting the paperwork together. A nurse will be in shortly to remove the monitors." I nod my head and softly say "thank you."
He nods his head in return and walks out closing the door behind him.

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