Chapter 3

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This has been the longest day of my life... first I have the obnoxious man from the airport and then I have a taxi driver that has the personality of the floor.
Once I finally checked into my room, I decided to text Annie. Since the time is so off, I don't if she will be awake, but it's worth a shot.
"I'm officially Denmark bound!"
I waited 20 minutes for a response and decided to turn my phone off and try to sleep. Jet lag is going to kill me the next few days.

When I finally woke up, I glanced at the clock and it's 11 o'clock in the morning. I can't remember the last time I slept this late. I roll myself out of bed and grab my towel and robe from my suitcase and head to the bathroom to shower.
I let the steamy water work out any tension in my muscles. I'm feeling overwhelmed about my first official day here. I don't know what to expect. The anticipation is what kills me.
I turn off the water and sigh and say quietly to myself "Emma you can do this. You need this." And wrap the towel around my chest.

Since Denmark can be a little chilly, I decide to wear skinny jeans, a pink tank top, a gray cardigan, and my gray Ugg boots. I make sure to look as presentable as possible. I look like such a tourist. I know it. I have my whole trip mapped out with no distractions from it.

I grab my travel guide and head out the door.

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