Chapter 78

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We made it to the doctor to check in, in perfect timing. I really hope everything checks out good. I can't help but worry. Eli senses it and takes hold of my hand and kisses it. I give him a small smile.
I finally get called back and go directly to the ultrasound room. Eli won't let go of my hand and I'm grateful. I need him so much. I need his support.
We hear a faint knock on the door and the doctor comes in. "Hi, I'm Dr. Sutton" Eli and I both say hi in return.
"So we are doing an ultrasound today, correct?" I reply and say "yes."
"Please lift your shirt up some so I can apply some gel. It may be a little cold." I nod and look at Eli and he smiles at me before kissing my hand. I give a small smile back.
We start hearing this thumping noise. "Is that the babies heart beats?" I say with tears in my eyes. Dr. Sutton laughs and says "yes, and they're looking good. I'm going to prescribe a higher dosage of prenatal vitamins for you to take daily with a meal. I will also print some pictures off for you both." Eli thanks Dr. Sutton before she walks out. I look at him and start sobbing. I'm so happy. "Hey, hey, hey, Em, baby, everything's okay. The babies are fine."
I look at him and nod before saying "I know. I'm just so happy." He chuckles and kisses me. He wipes the tears away and helps me get off the bed.
Eli says as he's opening the door "we forgot to ask when we can find out the gender!"
I say in response "well, Dr. Sutton is right there. Let's ask."
Eli walks me over to her and asks "Dr. Sutton, sorry to interrupt. I didn't get to ask, but when can we find out the genders?"
She smiles and says "at 16 weeks you can find out through ultrasound or we can do a blood test at 10 weeks for their DNA and can determine their genders then."
I smile and Eli says "thank you!" And pulls me to the checkout desk. We get our pictures and head to the car.
Eli is so excited and he says "baby, it's twins!" As he picks me up and spins me around.
I giggle and say "two little peanuts!" He stops and puts me down and is still holding me, but looks at me with a twinkle in his eye and says "We are not calling our babies peanuts." I laugh and say "that's what you think, babe." He chuckles and opens the car door for me.
Before getting in I look at him and smile and he smiles back I kiss him sweetly. He tries to deepen it but I pull back to tease him before kissing him again and biting his lip. He groans and says, "I'm taking you home, baby."
I giggle as I get in the car and he closes the door behind me.
He hurriedly gets in the drivers seat and looks at me like he's on cloud nine. He smirks and starts the ignition.
Before he pulls out, I unbuckle my seat belt so I can lean over and kiss his cheek, but he meets me in the middle and kisses me. This time it's slow and steady. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. "Baby, I really need to take you home." And kisses my nose and puts the car in reverse.
I giggle and take hold of his right hand and massage it with my thumb. We are perfect. Our babies are perfect. Nothing can top this feeling. This moment is everything to me.

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