Chapter 58

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I wake up and feel better than earlier. Definitely not nearly as nauseous. Thank goodness. I turn over since I didn't feel Eli's arms wrapped around me anymore. He was laid flat on his back, spread eagle fast asleep. I giggled to myself. He is so handsome though. Gosh, I love him so much.
I should really let him sleep, but I can't help myself. I slowly and quietly move to where I'm facing his direction. I move my leg over his waist and kiss his jaw and whisper "wake up, baby." I continue to kiss his jaw softly and up to the corner of his lip.
He moans and wakes up. "I can get used to waking up like this in the morning." I smiled and continue to kiss him back on his jaw. He taps my chin with his hand and I stop and look at him. He brings his lips to mine and kisses me passionately. I get on top of him and he covers us up with the blanket. It was becoming a heated make out session. Then his phone went off. And I groan.
"I just need to see who it is, baby." I put my head on his chest as he answers it. I start placing kisses there too knowing it will drive him wild.

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